I feared going into my room after school. Every day it was something different. The hours away at school were long enough to cause a terrible change to my private room. Today can be no different.
As I entered the house, Mom greeted me with a smile. It seemed like nothing was wrong.Still,I wouldn't believe. Yesterday, I discovered a chocolate cookie spread around the mouth of my angel statue. Its pink lips were covered in chocolate. Obviously, Callie had shared her cookie with my angel.
I looked around for my little sister, Callie, who had just turned three. I didn't see her. As I checked the sitting room, I noticed it was pretty messy. There were toys all around. There were a few headless dolls, some blocks, and the remains of a grape stuck into the carpet. I searched around and there she was, sitting on the sofa with the TV remote in her sticky hands. She looked up and saw me. A huge smile broke out on her face, and she laughed, clapping her hands. I was surprised that they didn't stick together.
尽皆“Sissy(sister)!!”She jumped off the sofa and ran to me, squeezing my knees and almost tipping me over. “Hi, Callie,” I said, with the slightest smile. I ruffled (抚弄)her long thick hair, and some white crumbs (残渣)fell to the carpet. “Cheese, sissy”, Callie said, pointing at the crumbs that had settled onto the carpet. I found a strong smell of cheese from them. Had Callie focused on destroying only the sitting room A voice raced across my mind.No way. I turned around and started the scared climb to my room.
I pushed the door open and saw a complete mess again!
Seeing the tears in her eyes, I bent down and lifted her up gently.
I pushed the door open and saw a complete mess again! My bedsheets were thrown onto the floor, with crumbs and toys scattered all over them. The drawers of my desk were pulled out, and papers were ripped into pieces like snowflakes, floating in the air and covering the carpet. "Callie!" I shouted angrily. Fear and annoyance filled my heart. My little sister stood in the center of the chaos, her tiny face turning red as tears welled up in her eyes.
Seeing the tears in her eyes, I bent down and lifted her up gently. My anger faded away in an instant. I couldn't stay mad at this little girl. She was just a curious toddler exploring the world with her little hands. I hugged her tightly, feeling her rapid heartbeat against my chest. "It's okay, Callie. I'm not angry anymore." I said softly. She wrapped her short arms around my neck, sobbing quietly. My room could be cleaned up again, but my sister's glowing smile was irreplaceable. Moments like this reminded me of the unconditional love between siblings that would last forever.
I pushed the door open and saw a complete mess again! My heart sank as I took in the chaos that was once my sanctuary. Clothes were strewn across the floor, books toppled from their shelves, and my favorite stuffed animals were scattered haphazardly. The sight of my disheveled room evoked a mixture of frustration and sadness, but amidst the disarray, I caught a glimpse of Callie's innocent eyes peering from behind a pile of toys. She had been trying to create a surprise for me, but her little hands had unintentionally wreaked havoc instead.
Seeing the tears in her eyes, I bent down and lifted her up gently. I could feel her tiny heartbeat against my chest, and I knew that she had only wanted to make me happy. As I held her close, I realized that the love and joy she brought into my life were far more valuable than any material possessions. Together, we would clean up the mess and create new memories in the process. My heart swelled with affection for my little sister, and I whispered softly into her ear, "It's okay, Callie. We'll fix this together." A sense of warmth and love enveloped us, and I knew that every day with her would be a cherished gift.
I pushed the door open and saw a complete mess again! Covering the floor was more of the same substance that I had just seen in Callie's hair! It was everywhere—on my bed, on the floor, and on my bookshelves and desk! Callie had poured cheese all over my room! And the room was filled with the disgusting smell.“She did it again!”I screamed, my face being red and hot with rage. No sooner had more angry words burst out than I found Callie at the door. Cautiously she came to me, hugged my knees tightly, and murmured with tears streaming down like raindrops.
Seeing the tears in her eyes, I bent down and lifted her up gently. She threw her arms around my neck and whispered in my ear, “Sissy, the cheese is very sweet! I want to share it with you.”Her words really melted my heart although my neck felt rather sticky. I sighed deeply. After all, she was only three and experimenting with the world. It was nice to feel so loved by someone younger than me. She looks up to me, her big sister. I guess that's why she always chooses my room to explore and destroy.
1. 本文属于”亲情”类话题。我们在复习话题还是侧重于社会关爱、友谊和亲情中。以情感类话题复习为主,最好侧重于学生的生活实际,反应积极向上的社会主体即可。另外,个人的自我品德和修养提升也是复习的重点,这些都是和学生的生活息息相关。
2. 把握短文关键信息和语言特点的能力,重视开头语的提示作用。段落开头语的前后和上下衔接也很重要,考生需要注意整篇的篇章结构来续写构思,理顺上下文逻辑关系,短文内语句要连贯、有序。
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