美国总统奥巴马201X年就职演讲 Inaugural Address of Barak Obama Januar 20,201X M fello itizens: I stand here toda humbled b the task before us, grateful for the trust ou have bestoed, mindful of the sarifies borne b our anestors. I
thank President Bush for his servie to our nation, as ell as the generosit and ooperation he has shon throughout this transition. Fort-four Amerians have no taken the presidential oath. The ords have been spoken during rising tides of prosperit and the still aters of peae. Yet, ever so often the oath is taken amidst gathering louds and raging storms. At these moments, Ameria has arried on not simpl beause of the skill or vision of those in high offie, but beause We the People have remained faithful to the ideals of our forbearers, and true to our founding douments. So it has been. So it must be ith this generation of Amerians. That e are in the midst
of risis is no ell understood. Our nation is at ar, against a far-reahing netork of violene and hatred. Our
eonom is badl eakened, a onsequene of greed and irresponsibilit on the part of some, but also our olletive failure to make hard hoies and prepare the nation for a ne age. Homes have been lost; jobs
shed; businesses shuttered. Our health are is too ostl; our shools fail too man; and eah da brings further evidene that
the as e use energ strengthen our adversaries and threaten
our planet. These are the indiators of risis, subjet to data and statistis. Less measurable but no less profound is a sapping of onfidene aross our land - a nagging fear that Ameria’s deline is inevitable, and that the next generation must loer its sights. Toda I sa to ou that the hallenges e
fae are real. The are serious and the are man. The ill not be met easil or in a short span of time. But kno this, Ameria - the ill be met. On this da, e gather beause e have hosen hope over fear, unit of purpose over onflit and disord. On this da, e e to prolaim an end to the pett grievanes and false promises, the reriminations and orn out dogmas, that for far too long have strangled our politis. We remain a oung nation, but in the ords of Sripture, the time has e to set aside
hildish things. The time has e to reaffirm our enduring
就职演讲spirit; to hoose our better histor; to arr forard that
preious gift, that noble idea, passed on from generation to generation: the God-given promise that all are equal, all are free, and all deserve a hane to pursue their full measure of happiness. In reaffirming the greatness of our nation, e understand that greatness is never a given. It must be earned. Our journe has never been one of short-uts or settling for
less. It has not been the path for thefaint-hearted - for those ho prefer leisure over ork, or seek onl the pleasures of rihes and fame. Rather, it has been the risk-takers, the doers, the makers of things - some elebrated but more often men and omen obsure in their labor, ho have arried us up the long, rugged path toards prosperit and freedom. For us, the paked up their fe orldl possessions and traveled aross oeans in searh of a ne life. For us, the toiled in seatshops and settled the West; endured the lash of the hip and ploed the hard earth. For us, the fought and died, in plaes like Conord and Gettsburg; Normand and Khe Sanh. Time and again these men and omen struggled and sarified and orked till their hands ere ra so that e might live a better life. The sa Ameria as bigger than the sum of our individual ambitions; greater than all the differenes of birth or ealth or fation. This is the journe e ontinue toda. We remain the most prosperous, poerful nation on Earth. Our orkers are no less produtive than hen this risis began. Our minds are no less inventive, our goods and servies n
o less needed than the ere last eek or last month or last ear. Our apait remains undiminished. But our time of standing pat, of proteting narro interests and
putting off unpleasant deisions - that time has surel passed. Starting toda, e must pik ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and begin again the ork of remaking Ameria. For everhere e
look, there is ork to be done. The state of the eonom alls
for ation, bold and sift, and e ill at - not onl to reate ne jobs, but to la a ne foundation for groth. We ill build the roads and bridges, the eletri grids and digital lines that feed our mere and bind us together. We ill restore siene to its rightful plae, and ield tehnolog’s onders to raise health are’s qualit and loer its ost. We ill harness the sun and the inds and the soil to fuel our ars and run our fatories. And e ill transform our shools and olleges and universities to meet the demands of a ne age. All this e an do. And all this e ill do. No, there are some ho question the sale of our ambitions - ho suggest that our sstem annot tolerate too man big plans. Their memories are short. For the have forgotten hat this ountr has alread done; hat free men and omen an ahieve hen imagination is joined to mon purpose, and neessit to ourage. What the nis fail to understand is
that the ground has shifted beneath them - that the stale politial arguments that have onsumed us for
so long no longer appl. The question e ask toda is not hether our government is too big or too small, but hether it orks - hether it helps families find jobs at a deent age, are the an afford, a retirement that is dignified. Where the anser is es, e intend to move forard. Where the anser is no, programs ill end. And those of us ho manage the publi’s dollars ill be held to
aount - to spend isel, reform bad habits, and do our business in the light of da - beause onl then an e restore the vital trust beteen a people and their government.Nor is the question before us hether the market is a fore for good or ill. Its poer to generate ealth and expand freedom is unmathed, but this risis has reminded us that ithout a athful ee, the market an spin out of ontrol - and that a nation annot prosper long hen it favors onl the prosperous. The suess of our eonom has alas depended not just on the size of our Gross Domesti Produt, but on the reah of our prosperit; on our abilit to extend opportunit to ever illing heart - not out of harit, but beause it is the surest route to our mon good. As for our mon defense, e rejet as false the hoie beteen our safet and our ideals. Our Founding Fathers, faed ith perils e an sarel imagine, drafted a harter to assure the rule of la and the rights of man, a harter expanded b the blood of generations. Those ideals still light the orld, and e ill not give them up for expediene’s sake. And so to all other peoples and governments ho are athing toda, from the grandest apitals to the small village here m father as born: kno that Ameria is a friend of eah nation a
nd ever man, oman, and hild ho seeks a future of peae and dignit, and that e are read to lead one more. Reall that earlier generations faed don fasism not just ith missiles and tanks, but ith sturd