2023初中英语英语词汇拓展复习 题集附答案
Part I: 词汇拓展(20分)
1. 单词拼写(10分)
1) The teacher wrote the w_______ on the board and asked the students to copy it.
2) The c_______ of this book is very interesting, and I couldn't put it down.
3) My brother is always h_______ in his studies, and he always gets excellent grades.
4) She is a very f_______ girl and always helps others when they are in need.
5) The airport is quite c_______ to the city, so it only takes us around 10 minutes to get there.
1) word
2) content
3) hardworking
4) friendly
5) close
2. 选择填空(10分)
医院营销案例1) The weather is really h_______ these days, so don't forget to wear warm clothes.
A) hot
B) humid
C) cold
D) windy
2) Mary has a p_______ for playing the piano, and she has won many awards in various competitions.
A) skill
B) talent
C) hobby
D) interest
3) The old lady was full of g_______ as she saw her long-lost son standing in front of her.
A) gravity
B) gratitude
C) generosity
D) growth
4) My parents went to the supermarket to b_______ some groceries for the weekend.
A) browse
B) borrow
C) buy
D) bring
5) Can you p_______ me up from the train station? I have a lot of luggage with me.
A) pick
B) hang
C) set
D) set
6) The soup smells t_______, but it tastes a bit salty.
A) terrible
B) tasty
C) tired
D) thoughtful
7) The famous actor is known for his e_______ performances on stage and in movies.
A) energetic
B) emotional
C) excellent
D) enthusiastic
8) I have a strong d_______ to visit Paris someday and see the Eiffel Tower.
A) dream
B) desire
C) doubt
D) decision
skin是什么意思9) The company invested a huge a_______ of money in the new project, hoping for great returns in the future.单亲家庭的孩子
A) amount
B) effort
C) sum
D) investment
10) The movie was s_______ a great success that it received numerous awards at film festivals around the world.
A) such
B) so
C) as
D) too
1) B
2) B
3) B
4) C
5) A
6) B
7) C
8) B
9) C
10) D
Part II: 同义词辨析(20分)
1. 从选项中选择一个与句中划线部分意思相同或相近的词语。
1) The firefighter rescued the girl from the burning building.
A) saved
B) stayed
C) studied
D) sent
2) The students were required to complete the assignment by the end of the week.
A) made
B) prepared
C) finished
D) achieved
3) The singer's performance was outstanding and received a standing ovation from the audience.
A) exceptional
B) terrible
C) ordinary
D) fair
4) My grandmother always tells interesting stories about her childhood.
A) exciting
B) boring
C) silly
D) scary
5) The team worked together to solve the problem and achieved a great result.