  Yesterday, my mother said let's make dumplings. I jumped up excitedly when I heard it. At night, I couldn't sleep noisily, thinking of making dumplings.
紫薯饼怎么做好吃又简单  今天下午,上完了所有的课程,我飞速地完成课作,就迫不及待催着妈妈要包饺子。于是,便立即行动,我和妈妈一起准备食材和工具。妈妈告诉我包饺子的流程:先和面,待醒发,再剁馅儿,然后把醒发好的面团切成小剂子,把剂子压平,擀成饺子皮,把馅放到饺子皮上,两手挤压面皮,饺子就包成了,再者起锅烧水,下饺子,美味的饺子新鲜出炉啦!
  This afternoon, after all the courses, I finished my work quickly and couldn't wait to urge my mother to make dumplings. So, immediately action, I and my mother together to prepare food and tools. My mother told me the process of making dumplings: first make noodles, wait for Xingfa, then chop the stuffing, then cut the Xingfa dough into small dosage forms, flatten the dosage forms, roll it into dumpling skin, put the stuffing on the dumpling skin, squeeze the dough skin with both hands, then the dumplings will be made,
then boil the water in the pot, put the dumplings down, the delicious dumplings will be fresh out of the oven! www.zuowenla
  Before my mother and I rolled out the dumpling skin and finished filling, ready to start making dumplings! I picked up a piece of dough and gently put it in the palm of my left hand. I picked up a little dumpling filling and carefully put it on the dumpling skin. Then I closed the two sides of the skin gently with both hands. I pushed my thumb hard to the mi
ddle, and the dumpling skin was stuck. The problem occurred. The dumpling was squeezed and flattened like a pie. How could it be like dumpling? At this time, the side of the mother told me, cherry don't worry, which has the first time dumplings can be very good? Don't lose heart. There's a saying that goes well. Failure is the mother of success. Be patient in everything you do. So, I made another dumpling according to my mother's appearance. Indeed, this time it looks much better than the previous one, and the appearance of the dumpling appears. Wow, I yelled, success, success! Then I packed as like as two peas, all of them getting better and better. I made the technology of making dumplings, which was exactly the same as that of my mother. Boil it down, dip it in vinegar and put it in your mouth. Ah, that's delicious!
  Through this dumpling making, I deeply realize that experience is accumulated little by little. No matter what you do, you should be patient, so that you can do things well.