倒拽九牛尾1. The most important point of steamed buns is to make noodles. If the noodles are not made well, the steps can't be correct. The ratio of flour to water of steamed buns is 2:1. Use warm water and noodles, and try the water temperature with the back of your hand. It's ok if it's not hot. In this way, the activity of yeast is the largest, and the noodles hair faster. Knead the back cover, and wake up to twice the size. If the noodles are not fully developed, you must not be in a hurry to make steamed buns. Be sure to wake up to the middle of the dough, which is full of honeycomb holes.Mince the meat, add scallion, soy sauce, soy sauce, salt, cooking wine, burn some hot oil, pour it on the scallion and stir evenly.
2. After the steamed stuffed bun is wrapped, you must wake up twice. The current temperature needs at least 10 minutes. When you see that the steamed stuffed bun is round and full, you can steam it. If there is no secondary hair, or the hair is not in place, it will be almost the same as the dead steamed bun. Steam in a pot with cold water. If there is no air hole in your pot cover, plug a toothpick so that the steam can run out, otherwise it is easy to die. Steam for 15 minutes after boiling and turn off the fire for 5 minutes. The m三网合一是哪三网>景德镇御窑厂
ost important thing is to wipe the water in the pot cover before steaming steamed buns, otherwise the water will scald the skin on the steamed buns.狗粮牌子
3. Turn off the fire and keep it stuffy for 5 minutes before lifting the pot to let the heat in the pot dissipate naturally, otherwise the steamed stuffed bun may shrink back when it suddenly gets cold. The steamed steamed buns are snow-white and full, with very delicate and smooth skin and no tarpy dead skin. You can also steam such steamed buns according to what I said.