1. "A bad workman blames his tools." - 意思是一个技术差的人总是责怪他的工具不好。例句:If my computer crashes again, I'm not going to blame it, I'm going to get a new one.
2. "The early bird catches the worm." - 意思是早起的鸟有虫吃,比喻做事情越早越好。例句:I always try to get to work early because the early bird catches the worm.
3. "When in Rome, do as the Romans do." - 意思是入乡随俗,到了一个地方就要按照当地的风俗习惯来行事。例句:When we go to China, we should follow Chinese customs and traditions.
4. "Don't count your chickens before they're hatched." - 意思是不要过早乐观,不要在事情没有完全确定之前就过于乐观。例句:Don't count your chickens before they're hatched, we still need to wait and see if we get the job.
一到十的成语祝福语5. "The third time's a charm." - 意思是第三次总是有魔力,但实际上是指第三次尝试通常会成功。例句:I've failed twice at this task, but I'm going to try again for the third time's a char
6. "Beauty is only skin deep." - 意思是美貌只是表面,意味着真正的美丽在于内在。例句:I think beauty is more than just skin deep and that people should appreciate others for who they are on the inside.
7. "Out of sight, out of mind." - 意思是眼不见心不烦,指看不见就不再想念。例句:Since I moved away from home, I've tried to keep in touch with my family, but out of sight, out of mind, I guess.
8. "A little knowledge is a dangerous thing." - 意思是稍微有一点知识就可能会造成很大的危害。例句:Trying to DIY on your own can be a dangerous thing if you don't know what you're doing.
q版卡通人物9. "The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence." - 意思是别人的东西总是最好的,表示不满足自己拥有的东西,总是向往别人的东西。例句:I always thought that the grass was greener on the other side of the fence, but now I realize that my life is good exactly as it is.
欧鲶10. "Easy come, easy go." - 意思是来得容易去得快,指来得轻松的事物去得也快。例句:Money that comes easily usually goes just as quickly, so you should be careful with it.