英 [描写夏天的段落ˈkʌvərɪŋ] 美 [ˈkʌvərɪŋ]
covering 基本解释生如逆旅一苇以航
名词 掩蔽物,遮盖物
动词 覆盖( cover的现在分词)
1. (用来保护或隐藏的)覆盖物,遮盖物
A covering is a layer of something that protects or hides something else.
e.g. Leave a thin covering
e.g. Sawdust was used as a hygienic floor covering.
1. A Superior Court judge dismissed the case in 2001 on grounds that federal rules covering employer health plans bar state civil rights actions.
武汉到厦门2. The report said her tomb was the only one damaged in the cemetery, and footage showed police covering it with canvas and cordoning off the area around it.
3. She is featured covering her modesty with her hands alongside a caption which reads, " Protect the skin you're in ".
4. The boy's father said his son's fingers were cut because of a gap in the casing covering gears on the escalator.
5. But too often it amounts to covering celebrity, except that political stars have less talent and worse wardrobes than real stars.
6. I agree it was censorship if our government stopped our media from covering this story as that would mean our media didn't have a choice.吃白萝卜减肥吗
7. Covering an area of 30 square meters, the ceramic room was built by 10 colleague students of Nanjing University of Arts.
8. India is adamant that peace talks should follow an incremental path, covering all issues of bilateral contention rather than concentrating solely on Kashmir.
9. Britain's Standard Chartered Bank has said rules and regulations covering credit cards in China are still too vague for them to consider entering the field.
10. A quick check of the online bookstores already turns up many Chinese book titles covering virtually every aspect of the Olympics.
1. An All in One nappy is, as the name suggests, a single-part nappy system that does not need any separate wrapper or covering.
2. It is more comprehensive covering a Java application and database communication skin是什么意思
3. Although the procedure but not covering this critical part of the body parts.
4. Quaternary period, the glaciers covering the Wutai Mountain, leaving behind a precious periglacial landforms.
5. Heat gets trapped under a piece of glass or plastic covering the top of the cooker.