1. 时间副词,如:today, now, then, ago, before, early, late, soon 等。
2. 表示频度和重复的时间副词,如:always, often, never, hardly, again, once 等。
3. 地点和方位副词,如:everywhere, here, there, home, near, away,  above, below, across, in, out, inside, up, down, upstairs, around, back, behind 等。
4. 方式副词,如:hard, well, together, clearly, slowly, politely, suddenly 等。
5.程度副词,如:much, quite, rather, almost, even, just, still, nearly, only, very 等。
1. 作状语修饰动词、形容词、其他副词、介词短语及全句。其位置如下:
1) 时间副词和地点副词一般放在句尾,如两种副词同时出现,则地点副词在前,时间副词
I remember seeing him somewhere. 我记得在哪儿见过他。
He worked here last year.他去年在这里工作过。
2) 频度副词在实义动词之前,助动词、情态动词及be 动词之后。如:
I often write to him. 我总是给他写信。
You must always remember this. 你必须经常记住这一点。
I have never heard of it.我从未听说过此事。
3) 程度副词放在所修饰的动词之前(enough则放在后面)。如:
She walks rather slowly. 她走得相当慢。
I wish you’d write clearly enough for us to read it.  但愿你写清楚点,我们好能看明白。
4) 方式副词修饰不及物动词时,放在所修饰的词之后;修饰及物动词时,放在动词之前或宾语之后。如宾语较长,也可将副词放在动词与宾语之间。如:
Jane' father works hard.
Bill did the work very well.
He wrote carefully some letters to his friends.
5) 修饰介词时(well, right, just, soon等)放在介词之前;修饰全句时(Frankly, briefly, personally, luckily, generally speaking, to tell the truth等)放在句首。
I don’t know how old he is, but he looks well above forty. 我不知道他多少岁,但他看上去有四十多岁了。
Frankly I don’t like her. 直说吧,我不喜欢他。
2. 作表语  作表语的副词一般是表示地点及位置的副词。
Nobody seemed about. 附近似乎无人。
I must be off now. 我得走了。
How long will he be away? 他要离开多久?
3. 作定语  作定语的副词一般是表示地点、位置的副词,还有一些表示时间的副词,且常作后置定语。
The people here are all very kind to me. 这里的人对我们很好。
Women today no longer accept such treatment. 如今女子再也不接受此种待遇了。
4. 作介词宾语,如in here, from abroad, since then, until recently, until very late 等。
1. also, too, either, as well
also和too 用于肯定句,either用于否定句。also 放在实义动词前,be 动词和助动词之后,too 常置于句末。as well 与too 可互换。
His sister has also gone to town.他妹妹也到城了去了。
The factory produces trucks and cars too( as well). 那个工厂生产卡车,也生产小骄车。
He didn’t go and I didn’t go, either. 他没去,我也没去。
2. already, yet, still
already(已经),用于肯定和if引导的否定条件句中 ;yet (已经)用于否定句或疑问句;still (还、依然)一般用于肯定句或疑问句中。
If he hasn’t seen the film already, I may give him a ticket. 如果他还没有看过那部电影,我可以给他一张票。
He has not come yet. 他还没来。
Was he still reading a novel? 她还在看小说吗?
3. ago , before
ago 表示“现在以前”某一时刻, 常用于一般过去时。before 表示“过去某一时间以前”,一般用于过去完成时;单独使用时泛指以前,用于现在完成时或一般过去时。
I met her three days ago. 我三天前将见过他。
I told him I had met her two years before.我告诉他我两年前见过她。
He has seen the film before. 他以前看过那部电影。
4. fast , soon
fast 表示“速度快" , soon侧重指两件事情的先后发生,中间间隔的时间短。
You are always saying I am growing fast. 你老是说,我长的很快。
Soon they were in the middle of the river. 很快他们就到了河中间。
5. just , just now
just 刚才,常用于现在完成时。just now 刚才,不久以前,常用于一般过去时。
He has just gone out. 他刚出去。
He came here just now. 她刚才到这儿来过。
6. so. . .that ,such . . . that
so 修饰形容词、副词;such修饰名词。另外还要注意以下两点:
①. 名词前有表示 " 多 " ( many , much ) 、" 少 " ( little , few ) 的形容词时,要用so。
②. 修饰可数名词单数时,so 与such 可互换但词序不同。如:such a good student 相当于so good a student。
It was so dark that I couldn’t see anything. 天很黑,一致他什么也看不见。
He has so few friends that his life is lonely. 他的朋友很少,因此他的生活非常孤单。
This is so helpful a book(such a helpful book) that I’d like to have it. 这本书很有用,我很想要一本。
7. almost , nearly
①. 在 not, pretty, very 后只能用nearly。
I am not nearly ready. 我还没有准备好。
I know pretty nearly all the secrets of her married life. 他的婚姻生活的秘密我几乎全部知道。
②. 在 any , never, no, none 前只能用almost 。
I have almost nothing to do today. 我今天几乎无事可做。
I get almost no help from others. 我从别人那里几乎没有得到帮助。
③. 其它情况下可互换。
He fell off a tree and almost/nearly died. 他从树上摔下,险些丧命。
8. fairly ,  quite ,  rather
①按程度强弱排列,顺序为:rather, quite, fairly。
② fairly 多用于褒义;rather 多用于贬义形容词,too 及比较级前。
He is fairly a strong man. 他是个相当健壮的人。
The book is rather too difficult for me. 这本书对我来说实在太难了。
③ quite 和 rather 可修饰名词,置于“不定冠词+名词之前”。如:quite a good story , rather a strong wind。
9. much too, too much
much too 修饰形容词、副词;too much 修饰不可数名词,也可单独作主语、宾语或表语。
It’s much too cold. 今天太冷了。
There is too much noise outside.外面噪音太响了。noise的形容词
The work is too much for him. 他干不了那工作。
close 接近地          closely 仔细地,密切地     
free 免费地            freely 无拘束地,自由地
hard 努力地            hardly 几乎不
most 很,非常          mostly 主要地
wide 广阔,充分        widely 广泛地
high 高(具体)        highly 高度地,非常地
deep 深(具体)        deeply 深深地(抽象)