1.—What do you think of Harry Potter?
—I think he is ________ character that I have ever known.
A.brave    B.braver    C.bravest    D.the bravest
2.The young man has ________ money than me, but he has ________ friends,
A.more, more    B.more, fewer    C.more, less    D.fewer, more
3.She is a(n)    young woman with patience and imagination .
A.lived    B.live    C.alive    D.lively
4.—Is Shanghai bigger than _______city in East China?
—Yes. The bigger the city is,_____ the number of people will be.
A.any; larger        B.any; the more     C.any other; the more D.any other; the larger
5.Shanghai is developing very fast. And it is more modern than__ in China.
A.any other city    B.any other cities    C.any city    D.other cities
6.— A ______ gunman killed 17 people at a high school in the state of Florida on February 14th, 2018 and the American president Donald Trump signals support for raising age for gun buying.
— ______ terrible news!
A.19- year-old; What a    B.19 years old; How   
C.19 years old; How a    D.19-year-old; Whatnoise的形容词
7.The child was the only person_____ in the car accident.
A.live    B.alive            C.lively            D. lives
8.Boris has brain. In fact, I don’t think that anyone in the class has ________ IQ.
A.a high    B.a higher    C.the higher    D.the highest
9.You find ________ things from Earth on Mars.
A.it hard buys    B.hard it to buy    C.it hard to buy    D.to buy hard
10.It’s hard to hold back the tears. This is     thing I’ve ever heard.
A.sad              B.sadder          C.saddest            D.the saddest
11.—Did she go to the party alone?
—No.Her_______ son went with her.
A.five—years-old    B.five—year-old    C.five year old        D.five years old
12.It's hot in the room now. Please keep the door       .
A.open    B.opened    C.opening    D.to open
13.We teachers should not be too _____on their students. After all, they are too young.
A.hard    B.strict    C.easy    D.busy
14.Many people would rather _____ in the country because there is _____ pollution in the city.
A.live; more    B.to live; less    C.live; less    D.to live; more
15.That is ____________ terrible story and I don’t want to listen to it again.
A.such    B.so a    C.so    D.such a
16.Guangzhou is bigger than __________ in Jiangsu.
A.any other city    B.any other cities    C.any city    D.other city
17.I'm surprised to see _______ a little boy can write _______ many words.
A.such, such    B.so, such    C.such, so    D.so, so
18.“Reading Pavilion”, which entered Luhe Library this spring, has made it ____ for the citizens to experience the pleasure of reading than before.
A.easy    B.easier    C.easily    D.more easily
19.She is________ girl from Asia.
A.a 18-year-old    B.an 18-year-old    C.an 18-years-old        D.a 18-years-old
20.- It's so hot. I can't fall asleep at all. - Why not_______ with your windows_______.
A.sleep; closed    B.sleeping; opened    C.sleep; open        D.to sleep; close
21.—Home is    place wherever you go.
—Yes. There’s no place like home.
A.warm          B.warmer          C.warmest          D.the warmest
22.One cake isn't enough for Jim. He wants ________.
A.two the other    B.another two       C.two another      D.more two
23.—Whose home is _______ from the school ?
—Lucy, I think.
A.Farther    B.the farthest    C.Further    D.the furthest
24.The old man lives in the small village _________. But he doesn’t feel _________.
A.alone; alone    B.alone; lonely    C.lonely; alone    D.lonely; lonely
25.She took some medicine and felt _________ better than he was yesterday.
A.very    B.more    C.pretty    D.much
26.Johnson and his partner didn’t attend the meeting because he had        to do last Friday.
A.something urgent    B.anything urgent    C.urgent something    D.nothing urgent
27.The iPhone 6s is not ___________ and I don’t have ___________ to buy it.
A.enough cheap; enough money    B.enough expensive; enough money
C.expensive enough; money enough    D.cheap enough; enough money
28.The old lady lives      but she never feels  .
A.lonely / alone    B.lonely / lonely    C.alone / lonely        D.alone / alone
29.My most ______ moment was trying to introduce a person whose name I couldn't remember. Every time this kind of thing happens,I feel ______.
A.embarrassing;embarrassing    B.embarrassing;embarrassed
C.embarrassed;embarrassed    D.embarrassed;embarrassing
30.When he got home last night, he           his wife lying on the floor,_______.
A.was finding; died    B.found; died    C.found; dead    D.was finding; dead
31.When I thought of my mother’s _____, I feel very_______.