18.信不信由你!鱼睁着眼睛睡觉.Believe it or not!Fish sleep with their eyes open..
分析 Believe it or not!Fish sleep with their eyes open.noise的形容词
解答 答案:Believe it or not!Fish sleep with their eyes open.
表达的是客观事实用一般现在时,Believe it or not!信不信由你!主语fish复数,故sleep,用with+名词+形容词表示伴随,故with their eyes open,故答案是Believe it or not!Fish sleep with their eyes open.
点评 with+名词+形容词"是"with+复合宾语"的一种用法."with+复合宾语"在句中可做状语、定语.
1).With the door open,the noise of the machine is almost deafening.
2).With the floor wet,I had to stay outside.由于地板潮湿,我只得呆在屋外.
3)Don"t sleep with the door and windows open.不要开着门窗睡觉.