Different places
1. 英语中,很多以后缀-ent结尾的形容词,变名词时将形容词后缀-ent变为名词后缀-ence.
different difference不同的→不同,差异
convenient convenience便利的→便捷,便利性
important importance重要的→重要性
independent independence独立的→独立性
silent silence安静的→安静
absent absence缺席的→缺席,缺乏
violent violence暴力的→暴力
confident confidence有信心的→信心
2.peaceful adj. 平静的,宁静的,和平的
peace  n.和平
peacefully  adv. 和平地
He lives in a peaceful valley. 他住在一个宁静的山谷(valley)里。
We need a peaceful international environment. 我们需要一个和平的国际环境。
The world longs for peace.世界渴望和平
Read the books in your hand peacefully. It’s wonderful. 平静地阅读你手中的书籍,那十分美妙。
3. neighbourhood n. 街区;城区
neighbour  n. 邻居;邻国
不少以-our结尾的英语单词在美语中都可以写作-or,因此它们的派生词也发生相应的变化,如:favourite(英式英语)→ favorite(美式英语)等。
There are two banks in the neighbourhood of my house. 我家附近有两个银行。
That elderly man is our neighbour; he lives next to us. 那个老人是我们的邻居,他住在我们隔壁。
4. bottom n. 底部
There are tea leaves in the bottom of my cup. 我的杯底有茶叶。
She is at the bottom of her class. 她是班上最后一名。
5. noisy adj. 吵闹的;嘈杂的
noise  n. 噪音make noise 吵闹,制造噪音
Shanghai is sometimes a really noisy city. 上海有时候真的是一个嘈杂的城市。
Don’t make so much noise. 别那么吵闹。
The students stopped making noise the moment the teacher stepped into the classroom.
6. exciting adj. 令人激动的;令人兴奋的
excite  v. 使激动,使兴奋(及物动词)
excited  adj. 激动的;兴奋的
We are watching an exciting football match. 我们正在看一场激动人心的足球比赛。
The news that our team won the first place excited every one of us. 我们队获胜的消息使我们每个人都激动不已。
The children were very excited by the news.孩子们听到这个消息非常兴奋。
7. pleasant adj. 令人愉快的(物作主语
pleased  adj. 高兴的,愉快的(人作主语)固定搭配:be pleased with
please  v. 使高兴
We spent a pleasant day in the country. 我们在乡下度过了愉快的一天。
It’s difficult to please everybody. 很难做到人人满意。
They were all very pleased with the news. 他们听到那消息都很高兴。
8. relaxing adj. 令人放松的(物作主语)
relaxed  adj. 感到放松的(人作主语)
relax  v. 放松,缓和
relaxation  n. 放松,消遗,娱乐
It's very relaxing to lie down on the beach in summer. 夏日里,躺在沙滩上真是很让人放松。
When lie down on the beach in summer, i feel very relaxed. 夏日躺在沙滩上的时候,我感觉很放松。
We must not relax in our efforts. 我们决不能松劲。
Fishing and mountain-climbing are our favourite relaxation. 钓鱼和爬山是我们最喜欢的消遣。
9. financial adj. 金融的;财政的
finance  n. 金融,财政
New York is a great financial centre. 纽约是一个重要的金融中心。
Are the firm’s finances sound? 这家公司的财务状况可靠吗?
1.What are the ________________ between the two flats? (different)
2.Be ________________.The teachers are having an important meeting in Room317. (silence)
3.My grandfather is very old. He doesn't like ________________ environment. (noise)
4.This is a ________________ place. Everything is quiet here. (peace)
5.Alice is very ________________ to live in the big city. (excite)
6.I live near Moon Street. We live in the same________________. (neighbour)
7.Did you have a ________________ trip last weekend? (pleased)
8.Everyone has his own way of ________________. (relax)
【keys】1.difference    2.silent    3.noisy    4.peaceful    5.excited    6.neighbourhood 7.pleasant  8.relaxing
1. take a 乘公交车去…
take the 乘地铁去...
take+交通工具+介词to+sp. 意为“搭乘……去(某地)”,相当于“go to sp. by+交通工具”。
< You can take a bus to the cinema. 你可以乘公共汽车去电影院。
I go to school by bus. 我坐公交车去上学。