1.定冠词,不定冠词,零冠词。如:the, a
2.名词属格。    如:my  friend’s, Tom’s …
3.物主限定词。如: my,  your …
4.指示限定词。如:this, that, these,  those, such…
5.疑问限定词。如:what, whose, which…
6.关系限定词。如:which, whose…
7.不定限定词。如:some, any, each, every, either, neither, all
8.数词 (基数词、序数词、倍数词、分数词)
9.量词。如:a lot of, lots of ,  a great/good deal of ,
          a  great/large/good number of  …
the; my, John’s,  the old man’s…; some, any, no,  all, other, such, what(ever), which (ever), whose…
eg. the book----the  books----the money,
      my  book----my books----my money
      John’s book--- John’s books---- John’s money
2) 能与单数名词搭配的限定词。如:
a (n) ,  each, every, another,  either ,one,  neither, many a,  such a (n) …
eg. each worker, every student,either book,another book
3) 能与复数名词搭配的限定词。如: 
both, two,  another  two (three), many,(a) few, several, these, those, a (great) number of … 如:     
two  girls,(a)few words,several  students
noise的形容词4) 能与不可数名词搭配的限定词,如:
a bit of,  a large amount  of,  a great deal of, (a)  little
much, less, (the) least…
a bit of water,a large amount of  money, much  noise
5) 能与单复数名词搭配的限定词。如:
the first, the second, the last, the next, the other…
the  first  rose,the first  roses,the last man, the last men
the  next  meeting,the next meetings,many a ship,many
注意:用了many a +单数可数名词作主语,尽管是复数意义,其后的动词还是要用单数形式。
6) 能与单数名词和不可数名词搭配的限定词。如(the)least,this, that…
the  least  knowledge,  this/that  work,  this/that  job
7) 能与复数名词和不可数名词搭配的限定词。如:
a lot of,  lots of, plenty of, enough,  more, most, such, other…. 如:
a lot of books,  a lot of money, lots of chairs, lots  of  food,  such  men, such  bread…
1.  Why  is  there___traffic  on  the  streets  in February  than  in  May?
      A. less    B. fewer      C. few    D. little
2.  On  account  of  the  typhoon  ____shipment  will  arrive
      this  week.
      A.  neither    B. all    C.  both  D. these
3.  They  paid___money  for  the  machine  than I  expected.
      A.  little        B.  less  C. much      D. fewer
4.There  are  trees  on ___side  of  the  street.
      A.  such  a    B. both  C. some    D. each
5.Have  you  got  ___copies  to  go  round?
        A.  the  other  B. enough  C.  a  little  D. much
6.I  saw ___cars  outside  the  building .
        A.  a  little  B.  any  C. lots  of  D.  neither
7.There’s____water  in  the  bottle.
        A.  few  B. a number  of    C. plenty  of    D.any
8.I’d  like ____paper.
        A.  a  few  B.  several    C. a  bit  of    D. these
9.There  are ___mistakes  in  the  paper.
        A. the  B. a  little  C. much  D. a  few
10.Do  they  have____air-conditioners  for  cooling  the  rooms
      in  summer?
        A. many  a    B. enough  C.  a  great deal of    D. a bit of
11. Don’t  worry  about  the  seats.  There  are ___chairs  in
      the  room.
        A. plenty  of    B. any  C. both  D. most 
12. There  is  ___iron  in  this  mine  than  in  that  one.
        A.  much    B.  a great  deal  of  C. less  D. a  lot  of
___work  has  to  be  done  before  the  plant  goes  into
        A. Much  B. Double  C.  A  number of  D. Neither
14. He  wrote___ essays  on  Victorian  novels  in  his  class.
        A. the  next  B. the  most  C. the  other  D. the  more 
15. The  model  worker  had ___thought  of  his  own  interests.
        A. the  last  B. less  C.  the least  D. another   
16.There  must  be  ___empty  talk but  more  hard  work .
        A.  fewer  B. no  C .the  least  D. less 
17. He  has  published ____short  stories  in  English.
    A. a great  amount of        B .a number of 
    C. another                            D. many a
18. We  had___rainfalls  last  summer.
      A. too  much  B. little  C. a little  D. only  several
前位限定词:all, both, half;double,twice, three times; one-third, two  fifths; what, such (a /an) …
(1) 定冠词和不定冠词;
(2) 物主限定词(my, your…
(3)指示限定词(this, that, these,those);