一、    试题特点
二、    解题方法与技巧
1  在看到题目后,不要忙于填答案,先仔细阅读备选的词汇,理解所给词的词义,了解词
2  通读全文,理解文章大意。了解文章的主要事件和主要人物,为下步选词做好准备。选词时就不至于出现盲目选择或离题太远的情况。
3 选词时还需注意阅读句子,先根据上下文的语境,词语的固定搭配来选择词性,待词填入后,然后再通读全文,做到所填的词既要符合本句的含义,又要保证句式结构的正确性,同时还要符合整个文章的大意。
当你选定一个名词时,要考虑该词的单复数变化及所有格形式,例如:Alice is one of my best          ,friend还是friendsThis evening I’m going to my            for dinner,是sister还是sister’s,要根据句意作出选择。
在读句子时,首先考虑在填某个空是所给词的什么词性,如:I like walking on a          day after supper。这时要考虑用形容词sunny修饰名词day而不是sun或名词所有格形式。
在填动词时,不仅要考虑动词的时态,还要考虑到动词的语态,以及动词不定式to do ,现在分词—ing,过去分词/过去式—ed,固定搭配enjoy doing sth / have sth done等,还要
考虑到整个文章时态前后的一致性。例如:“If your homework       , you can play football with your friends for a while.”  said Tom’s mother.根据这个句子的意思应该用动词do is done形式。
用形容词或副词填空时,要判断是用原级、比较级还是最高级,或是它们之间的互相转换以及形容词变名词的形式也需考虑。例如:Changjiang River is very     . It is the first     river in China。根据句子的意思,第一空用原形long,第二空用longest填入代词时,需注意辨别主格、宾格、形容词性和名词性物主代词或反身代词的用法。例如:You must tell that man in the room next to         to stop making noise .根据这个句子的意思应该填“I”的名词性物主代词mine.
数词方面要注意基数词与序数词的变化以及分数的用法。例如:Do you know who sang this song      ? one的序数词first。以及1/4 one —fourth, 2/3 two—thirds , three hundred / many thousands of
三、        例题解析
tooth  many  drink  make  like  as 
shelf  salt    sugar  color  easy  health
  You can have too much of a good thing.
Teenagers in the UK usually want two things in a drink: a sweet taste and  1      packaging (包装)
For this reason Coca_Cola is probably the  2     they want the most. The packaging is cool .The red and white color is  3  to see wherever you are in the world.
But while Coke may taste great, it is really bad for your   . One of the reasons it’s so tas
ty is because it has a lot of 5    .So British parents try to make their children drink     6       drinks. They ask children to drink more orange juice or apple juice instead of soft drinks   7     Coke and Pepsi.
However, a lot of new types of drinks have recently made it onto supermarket  8    .For example, chocolate shake and sugary brands of juice. They’re made to attract young people. But many say they    9      kids fat.
But like most things , sugary drinks like Coke are okay, as long as you don’t drink too   10       of them.
  2空根据句意填drinkthe drink they want the most.
  应该选tooth并用其复数形式teeth。这一空学生也许会选health,但读到文章第6空时需要用health 的形容词形式healthy,就会发现填错了;再从文章的最后一句也可知道。分析此空答案能最有力的说明词语运用这类题,必须把词放到整个短文中去理解,切忌看一空填一个答案的做法。
  此空用介词like,这一空可能有同学用as,让学生明白 like as的区别。
  此空用shelf ,并用其复数形式shelves.
  此空用makemake + n +adj