一、 复合不定代词/不定副词
Someone    anyone      noone      everyone
Somebody    any body    nobody    everybody
某人        某人/任何人  没有人    每人/人人
Something  anything  nothing        everything
某事/某物  某事/某物  没有任何事物  一切/事事
Somewhere  anywhere      nowhere      everywhere
某地        noise的形容词某地/任何地方  没有地方      处处
Some                one
Any                body
No                  thing
Every              where
1、 例:Everyone knows me here
2、 形容词修饰不定代词时形容词在后
There is something new in today’s newspaper
3、 Some以及Some构成的复合不定代词不定副词多用于肯定句,请示的疑问句、建议的疑问句、否定疑问句和疑问点不在Some上的疑问句
1 请求的疑问句:could you /I 动原/be…?
                May I 动原/be
                Would/Do you mind ing…你介意做某事吗?
                Would/will you please 动原?请你做某事好吗?
2 建议的疑问句:
Would  you like to 动原
What/how about +ing?做某事怎么样
Why don’t we/you 动原。。。?
Why not 动原。。。?
Shall we动原。。。?我们做某事好吗?
1 why don’t you eat some bread?
2 Can’t you see some books on the desk
3 Where did you plant some trees?
4any以及any构成的词多用于否定句、疑问句、 if条件句和含否定词的句子中
  no one=nobody nothing
1) If you wan’t anything ,please let me know
2) He is too busy to see anyone come in
3) The boy is too heavy for anyone to carry
4) Anyone doesn’t know me here改错:
No one knows me here
5、 any以及any构成的词在否定句中为完全否定
not…any=no    not…any one/anybody-none/nobody
not… anything=nothing
I can’t see anything in the room=I can see nothing in the room
Any:任何一个    any one=anybody 任何人  anything任何事物
He is taller than anyone else in my class
You can take any og them
7Every以及 Every构成的词在否定句中为不完全否定
He knows everything 改否定句:He knows nothing
而不能改成He doesn’t  know everything他不是事事都懂(否一半)
  If anyone invites you, you have to meet them on time(前面用三单,后面是宾格复数them)
拓展思维:宾格是人称代词,人称代词有主格宾格之分,主格有I,he,she,it, you, we,they. 宾格有me, him, her, it, you, us, them.主格的要放在主语位置,宾格的要放在宾语位置。主语位置都知道,一般在句首,如I am a teacher.在英语中,宾语有两个位置,一个在动词后跟宾语,注意不是所有的动词都需要跟宾语。另一个在介词后跟宾语,如:
1,I give him a book.
这里的give 是动词,him give 的宾语(宾语的作用是使谓语所表达的意思完整和清楚),因为him的位置是宾语,所以,如果在这个位置上用的是人称代词,就得用宾格,而不能用主格的he.
No one knows me here,do they?(前面用三单,后面是复数they)
3 Everyone is doing their homework now
4 If  anyone calls me,tell him /her to call back after 8:00
Someone(somebody)变为some one of 
Anyone(anybody)变为any one of
No one(nobody)变为none
Everyone(everybody)变为every one of
1 some one of us was late just now
2 You can eat any one of them
10、表示事物的复合不定代词,用人称代词、物主代词替换时,用it its
11no one=nobody/none
12no one回答who引导的问句,none回答how many引导的问句
who is in the room? 
How many people are there in the room?
3 None (没有人)of us go/goes to school by bus
4 None  of us  is a cook
5 None  of us are   cooks
1He can't hear you, because there is ____ noise here
 Avery much Btoo much Cmuch too Dso many
Btoo much只能修饰不可数名词, much too 修饰形容词或副词, very much可修饰动词;many只能修饰可数名词,不能修饰不可数名词。
2____ name is Han Meimai.
 AHerself BHers CShe DHer
3All of us were invited, but ____ of us came
 Aneither Bnone Cboth
4The weather in Shanghai is different from ____
 ABaotou BBaotou weather Cthat in Baotou Dthose of Baotou
Cthat作为代词。代替主语 weather. A项错误在于Baotou与前面的主语 weather不相对应,无法比较。代词that既可代替不可数名词,也可代替单数可数名词。
5There isn't ____ water in the cup.
 Aany Bmany Csome Dthe
6----Is this ____ pen?
  ----No, ____ is on my desk.
 Ayour; my Byours; my Cyour; mine Dyours; mine
Cyour是形容词性物主代词,只能作定语修饰名词; mine是名词性物主代词,可作主语
7The bottle is empty. There is ____ in it.
 Aanything Bsomething Cnothing
C.空白处填nothing是与前一句的 empty相呼应、吻合的。
8----Look! We have ____ sugar.
  ----Really? Let's go and buy some.
 Afew Ba few Clittle Da little
C.从后一句“去买些糖”可知“糖不多了”。little的意思是“少”,有否定含义,只能修饰不可数名词, a little是“一点”,有肯定含义。fewa few是修饰或代替可数名词,前者否定,后者肯定。
9There isn't ____ milk in the fridge. You'd better buy some.
 Ano Bany Csome
10----There isn't ____ water here. Could you get ____ for me?