1. Loud(响亮的):
- "The loud noise coming from the construction site woke me up."(来自施工现场的巨大噪音把我吵醒了。)
- "The loud music at the party made it hard to hold a conversation."(派对上的高音乐让人难以进行对话。)
2. Annoying(讨厌的):
- "The annoying noise of the car alarm irritated the entire neighborhood."(汽车警报器讨厌的噪音让整个社区感到恼怒。)
"The annoying sound of the dripping faucet kept me awake all night."(滴水的讨厌声音让我整夜难以入睡。)
3. Irritating(刺激性的):
- "The irritating noise of the car engine seemed to get louder every time I accelerated."(汽车引擎刺耳的噪音似乎每次加速都会更大声。)
- "The irritating sound of nails scratching a chalkboard is enough to make anyone cringe."(指甲划过黑板的刺耳声足以让任何人感到不快。)
4. Disturbing(扰人的):
- "The disturbing noise of the traffic made it difficult for me to concentrate on my work."(交通嘈杂的声音让我难以专注于工作。)
- "The disturbing sound of the sirens in the distance filled the air with an unsettling feeling."(远处警笛的扰人声音让人感到不安。)
5. Persistent(持续的):
- "The persistent noise of the dripping faucet needs to be fixed."(不断滴水的噪音需要修理。)
- "The persistent sound of the dog barking next door kept me awake all night."(隔壁狗叫的持续声音让我整夜都无法入眠。)
6. Deafening(震耳欲聋的):noise的形容词
- "The deafening noise of the fireworks explosion startled everyone at the event."(爆炸后震耳欲聋的烟花声吓了所有的人。)
- "The deafening sound of the thunder made me cover my ears in fear."(雷声震耳欲聋让我因害怕而捂住了耳朵。)
7. Unpleasant(令人不愉快的):
- "The unpleasant noise of the construction work disrupted the peaceful atmosphere of th
e park."(建筑工作的不愉快噪音打破了公园的宁静氛围。)
- "The unpleasant sound of the dentist's drill terrified the young child."(牙医钻头的令人不愉快声音让小孩感到恐惧。)
8. Shrill(尖锐的):
- "The shrill noise of the alarm clock jolted me awake every morning."(尖锐的闹钟声每天早晨唤醒我。)
- "The shrill sound of the whistle pierced through the air, signaling the start of the game."(尖锐的哨声刺破空气,标志着比赛的开始。)
9. Grating(刺耳的):
- "The grating noise of the metal scraping against the floor was unbearable."(金属刮擦地板的刺耳声令人无法忍受。)
- "The grating sound of the microphone feedback made it difficult for the speaker to delive
r their message."(麦克风反馈的刺耳噪音让发言人难以传递信息。)
10. Distracting(分散注意力的):
- "The distracting noise from the TV in the next room made it hard for me to focus on my reading."(隔壁房间电视的分散注意力的噪音让我很难专注于阅读。)
- "The distracting sound of people talking loudly at the movie theater ruined the film experience."(电影院内人们大声交谈的分散注意力的声音破坏了观影体验。)