    Poem Title: Mid-Autumn Moon.
    Mid-Autumn Moon, so round and bright,。
    Shining down with tranquil light.
    Families gather, all around,。
    To celebrate on hallowed ground.
    Mooncakes sweet and savory,。
    Shared with friends and family.
    Lanterns glowing, red and gold,。
    A sight for all, both young and old.
    In ancient times, the legends say,。
    Chang'e flew to the moon one day.
    Her love for Houyi, forever true,。
    A tale that we remember, too.
    Mid-Autumn Moon, we raise a toast,。
    To those we love, we cherish most.
    May joy and peace surround us here,。
    Until the moon shines bright next year.
关于春天的手抄报图片    这首古诗以中秋节的传统元素为主题,描述了团聚、赏月、吃月饼和传统神话故事。制作手抄报时,可以用美丽的字体和插画装饰,增添节日氛围。同时,可以在手抄报上加入一些有关中秋节习俗和传统的英文介绍,让读者更加了解中秋节的文化内涵。希望这个例子可以帮到你。