英语作文,求职信 1 求职信高考英语作文 i. 开篇点题,交代消息来源、写明写信的目的. 常用句式梦见和朋友喝酒: ii. 介绍个人简历,重点放在与所申请的工作相关的知识技能的介绍上,要有详有略. 常用短语: graduate from?  be good  skilled at?  enjo doing sth in one’s spare time?get on ell ith?iii. 表达盼望尽快收到答复的迫切愿望并表明感激之情常用句式:
求职信的结构及常用句型a :第一段开头:
1.i learned from our advertisement that ou are in need of a ?
i sa from our advertisement in esterda’s hina dail that ?
3.having knon that our offie needs a ? i ould like to appl for the post.
4.i’m interested in the post hih ou advertised in esterda’s hina dail.
5.i’m looking for a job as a?and ould be grateful if ou ould onsider me for suh a post in our firm. 第二段:
自我介绍  self-introdution
1.i’m good at工作经历的常用句型:
ork experienes
1.i one orked as a .
4.i’ve had the experiene ofou advertised in esterdas?
3.m interative personal skills and teamork spirit are also appropriate for this post.  ?
4.the main reason for m onfidene in this position lies in  i master  i have the abilit to during  the period of  能力:
1i have learned english for 8 ears. i am ver good at english, so i have been an editor of m shools english paper in the past to ears.
2i’m an exellent student, among the top 5 in m lass of 50 students.m grades are among the best ones in m department. 结尾:不经之谈什么意思
1if i ould have the opportunit to get the job i ill be quite appreiative.thank ou for our onsideration. i look forard to hearing from ou.
2 i think i’m suited for the job. if ou an let me have this hane i ill tr m best to do it ell.  expeting ou anser. ou an onnet me b posting a letter to  no 4 middle shool of zhuzhou or dial this number:0733-848362
8. 食物相克大全表格
3i ill be quite appreiative if i am offered the opportunit. thank ou for our onsideration. i ish to get our anser soon. 如果我能有机会得到这份工作,我会非常感激。 谢谢您的考虑。我盼望着您的回信。  3 模板:
dear sir or madam, i rite this letter to appl for the position that ou have advertised in____________thank ou for onsidering m appliation, and i am looking forard to meeting ou. ours sinerel, li ming
201X-01 PresentCompan Tpe: Foreign Enterprise Compan Categor: Other Prodution,Manufaturing,ProessingJob Title: Positions: SstemNetork AdministratorJob Desription: Is responsible for the IT projet to start, the implementation investigation and stud, the solution, the sstem movement, training, the ork standard, the sstem approval improvement entire and so on.Speial SkillsProfessional Title:Computer Level: seniorCom
puter Skills:Strengths:
1. Master ERP sstem proedure module and implementing appliation.
Have knoledge, suh as stronger finanial, manufaturing industr produe flo and material management, human resoures, sale, material flos, et..
日母亲3. ERP sstem pre-sale support or the post-sale servie experiene, is good at riting the projet sheme.
4. Understand the CRM, BPR, PDM, OA, EC; Is skilled in the Taian ATTN MRPIISCM Finane Sstem, understood domesti softare ith Users"Friend ERP NC.
5. Familiar ith the LAN to eret, the server maintenane and the supervisor ork, suh as and the management, router, sith, fire all, et., the basi gas defense against haker of netork, ebsite onstrution and safeguarding, the softare and hardare of the puter is maintained.
6. Kno that ertain Windos and Linux platform operate experiene, SQL server, Orale datab
ase managerial knoledge, program designed apait; Understand relevant programming languages,Offie softare,et.Language SkillsChinese: Good Cantonese: GoodEnglish Level:English: GoodCareer ObjetiveCareer Diretion: Based on IT tehnolog, management bees experts in the professional field in order to plement.Requirements:Self Info.Self Assessment: Has the rih ork experiene, the manner good faith, the personalit temperate, ork earnest, thought agile, seeking knoledge ants strongl, has the intense sense of responsibilit, the professional spirit and the team ooperation spirit, the muniation oordinated abilit is good.