      Dear manager:
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      Hello there! Thank you for reading my cover letter on my busy schedule!
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      I am happy to hear about your job advertisements on the job site and always expect to have the chance to join your company. 授信合同
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感动中国观后感500      My name is Zhang Xiaojuan, a student of Zhongzhou University, majoring in Business English. My level of English has reached CET  6 so I have mastery in listening, speaking, re
ading, writing and translation. I have a good command of Japanese, Also familiar with the professional needs of the computer software operation, international trade, foreign trade correspondence, business management and other aspects of knowledge. Outside the class I actively participate in school activities, but also participate in social practice, did volunteer tutoring during school, worked as a salesman on holidays, engaged in sales promotion, participated in dance performances, I learned through these social practice a lot of classroom school To the knowledge of the community have a certain understanding and understanding. I love a wide range of, love reading, music and sports, will dance. I am about to finish three years of knowledge journey, beautiful college life, train my scientific rigorous thinking. But also created a positive and optimistic attitude to life and pioneering innovation. The social practice, solid foundation knowledge and broad vision in and out of class make me know more about the society. The rigorous and pragmatic work style and the excellent quality of unity and cooperation that I have learned from continuous study make me convinced that I can be in the position Shangshou, dedication, more entrepreneurial.
      The company is located in: 口腔白斑
      I hope that through this piece of my selfrecommended materials, can make you have a more comprehensive understanding of me, and hope your company interview the opportunity.
供货协议      敬重的经理: