1551 She _____ his number in the phone book to make sure that she had got it right.
【译文】 她在电话簿里查他的电话号码,以确信她没弄错。
  A. looked for   B. picked up
  C. looked up   D. picked out
【答案及简析】 C look up查。
1552 It _____ me more than three days _____ I finished writing the paper.
【译文】 我花了三天多的时间才完成这份文件。
  A. cost, until   B. took; before
  C. spent; before   D. wasted; after
【答案及简析】 B it take sb …to do sth.句型。在之前用before
1553 They were all very tired, but _____ of them would stop to take a rest.
【译文】 他们都疲倦了,但没有一个人停下来休息。
  A. any   B. some
  C. none   D. neither
【答案及简析】 C 三者以上的完全否定用none
1554 You needn’t pay, it’s _____.
【译文】 你不必付钱,它是免费的。
  A. nothing   B. free
  C. no more   D. busy
【答案及简析】 B free免费的。
1555 A needle _____ was given her but she couldn’t sew the button on.
【译文】 给她一根针和线但是她缝不上钮扣。
  A. and a thread   B. and the thread
  C. and thread   D. or a thread
【答案及简析】 C a needle and thread 针和线一起构成短语,用单数。
1556 Give this to _____ you think can do the work well.
【译文】 把这个给你认为能够做好此事的任何人做。
  A. who   B. whoever
  C. whomever   D. no matter
【答案及简析】 B 考查首选原则,请参见本站相关内容。
1557 _____ time went on, Einstein’s theory proved to be correct.
【译文】 随着时间的过去,爱因斯坦的理论被证明是正确的。
  A. Because   B. Which
  C. As   D. With
【答案及简析】 C as 引导的时间状语从句表示"随着…"
1558 -----I’m going to study engineering in Qinghua University tomorrow. ---- _______.
【译文】 --明天我准备去清华大学学习工程专业。    --祝你学习顺利。
  A. All the best in your study   B. All the best with your study
  C. All the best in your business   D. All the best in your new job
【答案及简析】 A all the best (in…) 表示对别人的祝贺。
1559 Lack _____ heat made us cold.
【译文】 热量不足使我们感到冷。
  A. from   B. of
  C. in   D. by
【答案及简析】 B lack of 欠缺,不足。
1560 _____ you told me _____ true?
【译文】 你所告诉我的是真的吗?
  A. Is what; /   B. What; /
 高考报名费 C. What; is   D. what about; is
【答案及简析】 A 名词性从句。主句中缺主语,同时从句中缺宾语,从句该用what引导。
1561 The squirrel was lucky that it just missed _____.
【译文】 这只松鼠运气好逃脱了。
  A. catching   B. to be caught
  C. being caught   D. to catch
【答案及简析】 C miss后面跟名词或者动名词作宾语。
1562 As we were asleep, _____ of us heard the sound.
【译文】 我们都睡着了,没有人听到这个声音。
  A. both   B. none
  C. all   D. any
【答案及简析】 B 三者以上的完全否定,用none表示。
1563 Mr Baker _____ to the beach tomorrow.
【译文】 贝克先生明天要去海边。
  A. is driving   B. drives
  C. is driven   D. has driven
【答案及简析】 A 用现在进行时态表示将来。
1564 It was in the house _____ he used to live that the exhibition was held.
【译文】 是在他曾经住过的房子里举行的展览。
  A. where   B. that
  C. which   D. there
【答案及简析】 A 第一空是一个定语从句,整个句子是一个强调句型。
1565 _____ is known to us all is that America is a developed country _____ the First World.
【译文】 我们都知道美国是属于第一世界的发达国家。
  A. Which; belonging to   B. as; belonging to
  C. what; belonging to   D. It; belonging to
【答案及简析】 C 第一空是主语从句;第二空是现在分词短语作定语。
1566 I wish you _____ in the future.
【译文】 祝你旅途愉快。
  A. a pleasant journey   B. to be a pleasant journey
  C. a pleased journey   D. to be a pleased journey
【答案及简析】 A pleasant形容词作前置定语。
1567 She insisted on _____ to work in xizang.
【译文】 她坚持要被派到西藏去。
  A. sending   B. being sent
  C. to be sent   D. been sent
【答案及简析】 B insist on 后面跟动名词。
1568 ----- How many monkeys are there in the zoo? ----- ________.
【译文】 --这家动物园里有多少猴子?      --一个都没有。
  A. No one   B. None
  C. Nothing   D. No
【答案及简析】 B how many 提问,答案要么是具体的数目,要么是none
1569 She _____ well in her studies since she came to our school.
【译文】 自从来到我们学校,她学习一直很好。
  A. did   B. has done
  C. has got   D. does
【答案及简析】 B since引导的过去时态的句子,主句应该是现在完成时态。
1570 The students _____one another good luck before the examinaion.
【译文】 考试前学生们互祝好运。
  A. wanted   B. wished
  C. hoped   D. expected
【答案及简析】 B wish sb. sth. 只有这个结构表示祝愿。
1571 The man was put in _____ prison for stealing a computer, but his wife didn’t go to _____ prison to see him.
【译文】 这个人因为偷电脑被关进监狱,而他的妻子没有去监狱看他。
  A. the; /   B. /; the
  C. the; a   D. /; a
【答案及简析】 B put sb. in prison 关进监狱;go to the prison去探监。
1572 -----Shall I call in the doctor for you?    ----- _____. I’ll go and see him himself.
【译文】 --我可以为你请医生吗?    --不用,我可以自己去。
  A. You are welcome   B. Not at all
  C. Never nind   D. All right
【答案及简析】 C 当别人想为你提供帮助,而你又不想麻烦别人时应说:Never mindNo, thank you.
1573 ____ breaks the law should be punished, that is to say, we will punish _____ breaks the law.