注意:同一中文意思,在英文里可以用不同时态翻译。记住:右边句子中都是现在完成时句子。句中有FORSINCE 短语的,必须用长动词
    清爽的近义词短动词句                          长动词句
1  He has been in Beijing for 5 minutes.(长动词)
  He has been in Beijing since 5 minutes ago.(长动词)
2  I have been in the USA for 1 year.
  I have been in the USA since last year.
3 I have been home for 2 days.
  I have been home since 2 days ago.
4 They have been here for a week.
  They have been here since a week ago.
5 He has been out for two years.
He has been out since two years ago.
1. He got to Beijing five minutes ago. Now he is in Beijing.
2 I moved to the USA last year. Now I am still in the USA.
3  I went home 2 days ago. Now I am still at home.
4   They came here last week. Now they are still here.
5 He came out two years ago. Now he is still out.
6 We returned to Fuzhou yes-
today. Now we are still in
7 I became a teacher in 2000. Now I am still a teacher.
8 The river became dirty last year. It is now still dirty.
9  The shop closed two hours ago.
The shop is now closed.小朋友做游戏
10 The door opened at six  o’clock in the morning. The door is still open.
6 We have been back to Fuzhou
since yesterday.
7  I have been a teacher since
I have been a teacher for 9
It is 9 years since I became a
8 The river has been dirty since
  last year.
  The river has been dirty for
  a year.
9 The shop has been closed for
  two hours. closed 是形容词,be closed 是固定短语,是长动词。)
10 The door has been open since
  six o’clock in the morning.
open是形容词,be open 是固定短语,是长动词。)
11 I have been up for 2 hours.
I have been up since 2 hours
12 He has been away from
Fuzhou for two hours.
He has been away from
Fuzhou since two hours ago.
It is two hours since he left
13 My grandpa has been dead for 7 years.
My grandpa has been dead
since 2002.
It is 7 years since my grandpa
14 The meeting has been over
  for six hours.
15 They have been asleep for two hours.
  They have been asleep since two hours ago.
16 They have been married 完成时态since 1990.married是形容词, be married是固定搭配,属于长动词)
  They have been married for
  10 years.
11   I got up two hours ago.
12 He left Fuzhou two hours ago.
13 My grandpa died in 2002.
14  The meeting finished at six.
  Now it is twelve o’clock.
15 They got to sleep two hours ago. Now they are still sleeping.
16   They got married in 1990.
17 I have taught at this school
since 1995.
I have taught at this school for
14 years.
It is 14 years since I began to
高考成绩怎么查teach at this school.
18 The film has been on for half
an hour.
The film has been on since
half an hour ago.
It is half an hour since the film
19 They have kept the novel for
three days.
They have kept the novel since
three days ago.
It is three days since they
borrowed the novel.
20 I have had a pen 保持学习for two
I have had a pen since two
hours ago.
21 I have known him since last
22 He has been a League mem-
ber since 2002.
He has been a League mem-
ber月宫图片 for 7 years.
17 I began to teach at this school in 1995. Now I am still teaching at this school.
18 The film began half an hour
19 They borrowed the novel three
days ago..
20   I bought a pen two hours
21  I got to know him last year.
22 He joined the League in 2002.
23 My brother joined the army
1n 2007. He is still in the
24 Mr. Li joined the Party 5
  months ago.
23 My brother has been a soldier
since 2007.
My brother has been a soldier
for 2 years.
It is 2 years since my brother
joined the army.
24 Mr. Li has been a Party mem-
ber for 5 months.
Mr. Li has been a Party mem-
ber since 5 months ago.
It is 5 months since Mr. Li
joined the Party.