1. 构成
2. 基本用法
(1) 过去完成时表示过去某一时刻或某一动作之前已发生或完成的动作、状态(“已完成”)。句中常用by , before , until , when 等引导的时间状语。如:
Yesterday he told me that he hadn’t eaten anything since Tuesday. 他昨天告诉我自星期二以来他一直未吃任何东西。(指从星期二至昨天未吃东西)
I saw Mr. Smith last Sunday. We hadn’t seen each other since we left Paris. 上周星期天我见到史密斯先生了,自从离开巴黎后我们还一直没见过面。
By the end of the year no decision had been made. 到年底也没有做出任何决定。
He had left when I arrived. 当我到达时他已经离开。
Before he slept, he had worked for 12 hours. 他睡觉之前,工作了12小时。
The film had been on for 5 minutes when I got to the cinema. 当我到达电影院时,电影已经开演五分钟了。
We had scarcely reached the school before it began to rain. 我们刚到学校天就下雨了。
(3) 某些动词如intend / think / plan / expect / hope等的过去完成时表示主语未曾实现的愿望、希望或打算。如:
I had intended to come to see you last night, but someone called and I couldn’t get away. 我原打算昨晚来看你,但有人来访,我拖不开身。
He had hoped to find a job soon.他本来希望很快到工作。
I had meant to come, but something happened. 我本想来,但有事就没有来。
(4)过去完成时用在hardly / scarcely…when…九上物理知识点no sooner…than 固定结构中。如:
No sooner was the frost off the ground than the work began. 完成时态地上的霜一消散,人们就开始工作了。
Hardly had he arrived when she started complaining. 他刚一到, 她就开始抱怨起来。
(5) 过去完成时用于条件分句或wish / would rather等后面的中医把脉原理that从句中,表示与过去事实相反的主观愿望。如:
I would have met him, if I had come this morning. 今天早晨我来的话,就会见到他了。
I wish I had seen you yesterday. 我昨天见到你多好。
He would rather she had lent him more money than she did.他本希望她借给他的钱更多些。                                   
3. 过去完成时与一般过去时的区别
I found the watch which I had lost. 我到了我丢失的表。
The house was quiet. Everybody had gone to bed. 屋子里很安静,大家都睡觉了。
Was Jack at the office? —杰克在办公室吗?
No, he’d gone home. 不在,回家了。
①当几个过去的动作用and, then, but等连接, 且按照动作发生的先后顺序表达时,几个动作均可用一般过去时。如:
She set out soon after dark and arrived home one hour later. 他天黑后不久动身,一小时
On Saturday afternoon, Mrs. Green went to the market, bought some bananas and visited her cousin. 星期六下午,格林夫人去市场买了些香蕉,看了她的堂兄。
I bought a radio but lost it. 我买了一部收音机,但丢了。
②由after, before, as soon as 等连词引导时间状语从句,由于这些连词已经清楚地表明了主从句谓语动词的先后顺序,几个动作均可用一般过去时。如:
I told them the news after you (had) left. 你走后我把这消息告诉了他们。
As soon as I (had) put the phone down it rang again. 我刚把电话一放下,它又响了。
He hoped to come with us, but he was too busy. 他本想同我们一起来的,但他太忙了。
I thought I could go, but I can’t. 我原认为我能去,但我(现在)去不了。
【注】若没有明确的语境,则宜用过去完成时表示过去未曾实现的想法,否则可能有歧义,如说I hoped to pass the examination. 它只表明过去想通过考试,但并未说明通过与否。如说 I had hoped to pass the examination,则表示过去想通过考试,但实际上未通过。不过在过去式后接不定式的完成式也可明确表示过去未曾实现的想法,如清水煮牛肉 I hoped to have passed the examination