There has been a long time of existence for zoos in human history. While zoos bring about considerable entertainment to both adults and children, many insist that zoos should be closed due to the cruel treatment to animals which kept inside the zoo.
Above all, I support part of the statement above –it is not humane to restrict animals’freedom by locking them behind cages. Animals, just like human beings, need enough room for activities such as running or jumping, rather than asked to stay still for being visited by people, which otherwise lead to their health going down, for both outward and mental. This could be a death trigger with the result that decreasing their life expectancy.
However, I do not believe it is supportive enough as a reason for closing all zoos. As we know, not only for rare animals but also for normal ones, zoos are more like shelters compared with prisons. For example, a large number of animals get injured under the shot of poachers every year in Africa. Thanks to the zoos, they have a place for resting and
after being rescued. As a consequence, this behavior enhances the prosperity of rare animals. Meanwhile, zoos can also be useful as an education base. It is, for the citizens, a comparably convenient way to come to get the knowledge about wild animals by visiting to the zoo.
Despites most zoos contribute to the development of animals welfare, there does exist a few selfish businessmen who constructing zoos only for attaining more fortune. They take animals as tools of pleasing visitors in order to make money from them, by different means of unkindness. This kind of zoo, as far as I say, definitely should be closed. On contrary, for those legitimate zoos, we need to keep them and moreover, to improve them as more suitable environment for animals’growing.
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