With the development of society, English plays a more and more important role in the modern world. So most people think it is very important to learn English. For one thing, they can go abroad to study if they are good at English. For another, with the good use of English, they can get a better job than those who don’t know English. What’s more, if they have a good sense of English, they can enjoy their lives much more comfortable. For exam, they can enjoy the foreign movies, music and so on. Also, with the use of English, they can communicate with the foreigners so that they can learn many different cultures and customs from them.
However, every coin has two sides. Some other people think there’s no use for them to learn English. In their opinions, it is good enough to learn our mother language Chinese; secondly, the chances to go abroad or communicate with foreigners are hopeless. In a word, they think learning English is no use.
In my opinion, different people have different ideas. But we can’t ignore the importance of learning English. With the development of the world fashion, English is more and more useful in our lives, so we should make full use of our time to study English高一英语作文
so that we can make contributions for our country