1、假定你是李华 ,你的美国笔友  Linda 来信说她家搬到了一个新城市,她
有朋友 ,每日除了上课就是在家上网,感觉很孤单。请你给她写一封信,劝她多结交朋
友 ,参加社会活动。
2、假定你是李华 ,某中学生杂志英语习作专栏正在展开主题为“ Why should we
learn English? 的征”文活动。请你依据所给重点写一篇征文稿。
1 提升学习语言的能力  ;
2 有助于认识异国文化  ;
3 能够结纳更多的朋友。
3、假定你是李华 ,你的美国笔友  Hurry 是一名旅行喜好者。请你依据以下重点,
1 湖光塔影 ,花木芳香
2 鸟语花香 ,游人如织
3 夜游西湖 ,赏音乐节
4、假定你是校报英语专栏的记者李华 ,你校男子足球队在全市第五届中学生足
竞赛中获取冠军。请你依据以下内容重点 ,写一篇新闻稿。
高一英语作文竞赛地址 :旭日体育馆
参加球队 :10 支中学足球队
竞赛进度 :校队首场竞赛  0 比 1 失败 ,决赛 3 比 2 获胜
注意 :1、词数 100 左右 ;2、能够适合增添情节  ,以使行文连接 ;3、参照词汇 :体育
馆 staium。
竞赛地址 :旭日体育馆
参加球队 :10 支中学生足球队
竞赛进度 :校队首场竞赛  0 比 1 失败 ,决赛 3 比 2 获胜
6、假定你是李华 ,你的英国挚友  Bob 来信说他在上周的爬山运动中腿部骨折。请你给写一封回信 ,内容包含 :1、表达关怀之情 ;2、建议实时 ;3、祝他
7、假定他是李华 ,某国际旧址保护组织正在全世界招募青少年志愿者 ,请依据以下重点提示给该组织的负责人 Mr.Blake 写一封申请信。
介绍个人状况 ;表示申请意向 ;期望早日答复。
8、假定你是李华 ,某中学生英语学习网站“体育专栏”正在搜集稿件。请你依据下表所提示的信息 ,写一篇英语短文介绍中国的网球运动。
概略 :发展快速 ,民众基础宽泛
成绩 :2004 年李婷孙甜甜奥运会女子双打冠军 ;2011 年李娜法国网球公然赛女子单打冠军
发展 :重视队伍建设 ,培育更多的后备力量
9、假定你是他华 ,刚才收到英国笔友 Andy 给你寄来的诞辰礼品。请依据以不
重点提示给 Andy 写一。
表达真挚的谢意 ;咨询 Andy 的现况 ; 祝他学业进步。
10、假定你是李华 ,某国际中学生科技论坛正在展开主题为“ My Robot的”征文活动。请依据以下提示信息定一篇英语短文参加此次活动。
简单描绘外型 ;介绍其基本功能 ;说明它的意义。
November 24, 2011 Thursday
Wild animals play an important role in our environment. However, many human activities have put them in serious danger of extinction. By the year 2025,one fifth of
the world ’ s animal species may be extinct.
描绘动物的现状 ;应当采纳举措 ;说说自己的见解。
Dear Linda,
I know it’ s hard to start a new life in a strange city. However, just staying at home doing nothing but surf the Internet is not good for you. You ’ d better go out and join in some social activities. By doing this, you can get to know more people around. And it would be a good idea to help others if possible and show them you are open and friendly as well.
With time going on, people will know you better and like to make friends with you.
Best wishes!
Li Hua
English is an international language so it is necessary and good for us to
learn English.
First, learning English can help us express ourselves in different ways. We learn new words and grammar, which makes it possible for us to learn new languages well
in the future. Second, learning English opens the door to another culture. When we learn English, we will be able to understand its culture. Last, learning English allows us to make a lot of friends. We can communicate with many people in English by meeting them or on the Internet.
In a word, learning English means a lot. We should work hard and learn it well.
Dear Harry,
How did you spend your summer holidays? I like to ’shared my last trip with you.
During my holiday, I visited the West Lake in Hangzhou. Bright flowers, green trees, lovely birds and ancient towers attracked lots of tourists from all over the world. To enjoy its beauty, many of them biked around the lake.
In the evening, the lake was more beautiful in the moonlight. I took a happy
walk and went to a wonderful music festival.
I am sure that you will fall in love with this place when you visit it, and I am
very glad to be your guide.
Li Hua
Do you want to record the wonderful moment in your life and share it with others? The School DV Contest, organized by the English Club, will give you such a good chance to share your beautiful life with move people. You are welcome to offer your video about school life, family life or the great changes in your hometown. Your video should be within 15 minutes and uploaded before November 27th , 2011. Once you have created your video, you can simply upload it to the school website. The contest encourages people of all video experience levels. Join it, and you will be the winner!
November 5th, 2011
On September 24,2011the Fifth High School Football Game was held at Chaoyang Stadium. Our boys ’ football team becme the winner on the night of Sptember 30.
Over 100 foobball players from ten teams took part in the game. Our football team lost to another team by 0 to 1in the very first game. But in the games that followed, our team never looked back. In the final game, our tam won by a score of 3 to 2.
It was a great success and our football team became the first to win the game, although losing the opening game.
Dear Bob,
I feel very sorry to learn that you broke your legs while climbing last