  ( )1.(xx年北京)— is the dictionary?
  —It's $22.95.
  A.How old B.How long
  C.How thick D.How much
  ( )2.(xx年甘肃白银)—Mom, do you like my drawing?
  —! I h ave nev er seen a better one.
  A.How terrible B.What wonderful
  C.How beautiful D.What delicious
  ( )3.(xx年湖北黄冈)—He didn't go to the concert yesterday, did he?
  —.He was busy studying for the tests all day.
  A.No, he didn't B.Yes, he did
  C.No, he did D.Yes, he didn't
  ( )4.(xx年贵州贵阳)—del icious the ice cream is!
  —Could you give me one more?
  A.What B.How C.What a
  ( )5.(xx年江苏南通)—The advantages of the Chongqi Bridge have already been seen.
  — good news to us!
  A.What B.What a
  C.How D.How a
  ( )6.(xx年黑龙江哈尔滨)Zhang Lili hardly had time to think of herself before she saved her students, ?
  —No, she didn't.Her action moved all of us.So she is regarded as “The Prettiest Woman Teacher”.
  A.didn't she B.hadn't she C.did she
  ( )7.(xx年黑龙江黑河)Maria has few friends in China, ?
  A.has she B.doesn't she
  C.does she
  ( )8.(xx年山东枣庄)— he go to Central Park?
  —Yes, he did.
  A.Did B.Do C.Does D.Is
  ( )9.(xx年黑龙江龙东地区) fine weather it is! I'd like to go fishing.
  A.What an B.What C.How
  ( )10.(xx年湖南常德)Woo!  beautiful Changde is!
  A.How B.What C.What a
  ( )11.(xx年福建福州)— clever the girl is!
  —So she is.
  A.How B.What C.What a
  ( )12.(xx年浙江金华)—You e from England, don't you?
  —.How do you know that?
  A.No, I do B.No, I don't
  C.Yes, I am D.Yes, I do
  ( )13.(xx年广西南宁)— will it take you to get to the post office?
  —About half an hour.
  A.How old B.How long
  C.How soon D.How often
  ( )14.(xx年重庆)— is that man over there?
  —He is Dick's uncle.
  A.Where B.What
  C. Who D.Which
  ( )15 .(xx年四川眉山)— the weather like last Monday?
  —It was sunny.
  A.How was B.What's
  C.What was D.How is
  ( )16.(xx年广西桂林) smoke here, dad.Smoking has been banned in public places.
  A.Don't be B.Don't
  C.Not to be D.Be not
  ( )17.(xx年甘肃兰州)You've just finished your listening exam.Please get yourself ready for the next part, ? 英语练习题
  A.shall we B.will you
  C.do you D.are you
  ( )18.(xx年四川眉山)Jim never goes to the movies on Saturday, ?
  A.does Jim B.doesn't Jim
  C.doesn't he D.does he
  ( )19.(xx年福建福州)—Li Mei usually helps others, ?
  —Yes, she is kindhearted.
  A.does she B.is she
  C.doesn't she
  ( )20.(xx年四川德阳)— nice day it is today! Let's go out to play, shall we?
  —That's a good idea.
  A.How a B.What a C.How
  ( )1.Something unusual happened yesterday, ?
  A.isn't it B.didn't it
  C.don't they D.aren't they
  ( )2. (xx原创)How beautiful the rainbow is, ?
  A.doesn't it B.does it
  C.isn't it D.is it
  ( )3.Please  your dog here.
  A.not walking
  C.don't walking D.don't walk
  ( )4.—You forget that man, don't you?
  —.He's a writer.
  A.No, I don't B.No, I do
  C.Yes, I do D.Yes, I don't
  ( )5.They hardly know what you did, ?
  A.don't they B.do they
  C.did they D.d idn' t they
  ( )6. amazing the performance is!
  A.What a B.What
  C.How a D.How
  ( )7. nice man he is!
  A.What B.What a
  C.How D.How a
  ( )8.I supposed my sister would e back tomorrow, ?
  A.did I B.wouldn't I
  C.did she D.wouldn't she
  ( )9.I'm the first, ?
  A.did I B.do I
  C.aren't I D.are I