1.When I took his temperature, it was two degrees above__________ . A. averageB. ordinary
C. regularD. normal
2. When I worked as the general manager of the firm, I sometimes had__________to visit
London on business.
3. The most important__________of his speech was that we should all work whole-heartedly
for the people.
4. It has always been the__________of our firm to encourage workers to take part in social
5.I remember her face but I cannot__________ where I met her. A. recallB. remind
C. rememberD. remark
6.The open university was started in order to help those who__________having a university
education when they were young.
A. stoppedB. failed
C. missedD. ceased
7. We won t know whether it will be successful. We won    t know whether there will be英语练习题
good__________ .
A. endsB. results
C. effectsD. causes
8. At first Bob was puzzled by Virginia    s waving, but then it__________his mind that she
was trying to tell him something.
A. crossedB. passed
C. occurredD. opened
9. Before  the final  examination,  many students have shown__________of  tension. Some
have trouble in sleeping while others have lost their appetite.
A. anxietyB. marks
C. signsD. remarks
10.The old man got into the__________of storing money under the bed. A. traditionB. habit
C. useD. custom
11.I caught a__________of the car before it disappeared around the bend. A. glanceB. glimpse
C. glareD. stare
12. I ll__________him off this time but next time he    ll be punished.
A. leaveB. letC. putD. set
13. Who on earth could it be?

It was__________other than Peter. A. noneB. nothing
C. notD. nobody
14.In the__________of proof, the police could not take action against the man. A lackB
CabsenceD failure
15.Does this car give you good__________for your money ?
16.As they haven t had a child of their own,they re going to__________a little girl. A. acceptB. receive
C. adaptD. adopt
17.After  careful research, it  was decided that the spaceship should reenter the Earth
s__________ .
18.  He had a talent  for    music  and was__________  conductor  of  Shanghai Symphony
Orchestra at the age of 30.
A. assignedB. appointed
C. namedD. honored
19. After many years   waiting, Chinese people __________ realized their dream to hold the
A. constantlyB. eventually
C. lastlyD. generally
20.Such noble deeds of the doctors and nurses can t be only__________with money. A. rewardedB. awarded
C. praisedD. valued
21.Shanghai is so full of__________ ; it seems as if things never stop.
22.When we finally arrived, a lady gave us a __________introduction to the university. A. clearB. brief
C. mainD. abstract
23.If you build a house with good__________ , it will last long.
A. foundationB. floor    C. basisD. ground
24. Although I had read the book assigned by the professor several times, it didn    t make
any__________to me.
A. meaningB. importance
C. senseD. significance
25. As civilization__________    , more and more people have realized the importance  of
preserving rare animals from extinction.
A. stretchesB. spreads
C.extendsD. expands
26.    In    this    factory,    suggestions  often    have    to    wait    for    months    before    they    are

fully__________ .
A. admittedB. acknowledged
C. absorbedD. considered
27.He has impressed his employers considerably and__________he is soon to be promoted. A. eventuallyB. yet
C. finallyD. accordingly
28.His new appointment takes__________from the beginning of next month.
29.The policeman stopped him when he was driving home and__________him of speeding. A. chargedB. accused
C. blamedD. deprived
30.The number of tickets__________will be determined by the size of the stadium.
31.He was not__________to the club because he wasn t a member. A. allowedB. admitted
C. permittedD. approved
32.We  are interested  in  the  weather  because it__________us  so directly what  we
wear,what we do, and even how we feel.
A. benefitsB. guides
C. affectsD. effects
33.  A  university    is  an educational  institution    which__________degrees  and carries out