【xx山东济南】33. I'm 13 years old and my sister is 15 years old. So my sister is years older than me.
A. one
B. two
C. three
D. four
33. B【解析】考查数词用法。句意为“我13岁了,我15岁了,我比我大2岁。”应选B。
【xx黔西南】18.  visitors e to Xingyi during May Day holidays every year.
A. Thousands of
B. Two thousands
C. Thousand of
D. Thousand
【解析】A. 考查数词。当hundred,thousand,million和billion表示详细的数目时,用单数形式;当表示不详细的数目时,用复数形式,且跟介词of连用,应选A答案。
【xx广东】29.— How was your weekend?
—Great! It was my grandfather's birthday. We enjoyed ourselves.
A. seventy
B. seventieth
C. the seventieth
D. Seventeenth
【xx贵州铜仁】26 About of the students in Grade Nine this year were born in the.
A. three five; 1996.
B. three fifths; 1990s
C. third fifth; 1997.
D. third fifths; 1990s
【答案】B[ :zzstep
【xx湖北恩施】32. He wrote his  novel when he was .
A. five; fifties
B. fifth; fifty
C. fifth; fiftieth
&.co【xx 湖北黄石】29.Let me tell you news about cellphones(手机)—Apple asks Samsung to stop copying, and hundreds of people lined up to buy iPhone 4S.
m【xx湖北随州】23.May is the  month of a year.
A. fifty
B. fifteen
D. five
【xx甘肃鸡西市】22. Agirl named Dong Xinyi looked
after her disabled father.
A. three-year-old
B. three-years-old
C. three years old
【xx湖北宜昌】36. —Our school is going to hold the Culture Festival.
—I see. And we can take part in activities.
A. tenth; tenth
B. ten; tenth
C. tenth; ten
D. ten; ten
【xx江苏连云港】14.—The volunteers sent books to a mountain village school on Children’s Day.
A. two hundreds of
B. two hundred of
C. two hundreds
D. two hundred
【xx江苏苏州】8. The chairperson received about three  applications to join the Bird watching Club.
A. hundred
B. hundreds of
C. hundred of
D. hundreds
【xx江苏无锡】1. The action film has attracted
millions of young people to the cinema.
A. 130-minute
B. 130-minutes
C. 130 minute
D.130 minutes
【xx江苏宿迁】7. Our school is so famous that people e and visit it every term.
A. hundred
B. hundreds
C. hundred of
D. hundreds of
【xx江苏宿迁】6. —There is milk in the fridge. Please buy some on your way home.
—All right.
A. much
B. many
C. little
D. few
【xx江苏镇江】14. Some word puzzles in this book are  difficult that  students can solve them.
A. such; few B. such; little C. so; few D. so; little 【答案】C
【广东省】29. --- how was your weekend?
---- Great! It was my gra ndfather’s  birthday. We enjoyed ourselves.
A. seventy
B. seventieth
C. the seventieth
D. seventeenth
【xx湖北黄冈】36. —Do you know that there are many different  animals in the zoo?
—Yes, I do. And I also know that some of them are  scaring.
A. kinds of; kind of
B. kinds of; kinds of
C. kind of; kinds of
D. kind of; kind of
【xx 山东滨州】22. I am very thirsty. Could you please give me  water?
A. some
B. little
C. many
D. other
【xx山东聊城】34. Please turn to page  and look at the  picture in this unit.
A. twentieth; one
B. twenty; one
C. twentieth; first
D. twenty; first
【xx 山东临沂】22. Did you know that the earth is home to animals?
A million B. millions C. million of D. millions of
【xx 烟台中考】22. Between the two hills a deep river.
A. are
B. have
C. has
D. is
【 xx四川成都】41. Some scientists think it will take
of years to make robots do most work for humans.
A. hundreds
B. hundred
C. thousand
【xx四川达州】25. —Is there in today’s magazine?
—Yes. Premier Wen Jiabao saw “stay-home children” May,25th.
A. anything special; hundreds of; on
B. something special; hundred of; at
C. special anything; hundreds; on
D. anything special; hundreds of; in
【xx四川广安】26. —Guang’an is a beautiful city,
isn’t it?
—Yes. There are about two  visitors here every week.
A. thousands of
B. thousands
C. thousand
【xx四川凉山】( ) 34. There are teachers in our school, of them are women teachers.
A. two hundreds; three fourth
B. two hundred; three fourths
C. two hundred; three forths