Part I V ocabulary and Structure
1. Until then, his family _______ from him for six months.
A. didn't hear
B. hasn't been hearing
C. hasn't heard
D. hadn't heard
2. The conference _______ a full week by the time it ends.
A. must have lasted
B. will have lasted
C. would last
D. has lasted
3. Students or teachers can participate in excursions to lovely beaches around the island at regular _______.
A. gaps
B. rate
C. length
D. intervals
4. Physics is _______ to the science which was called natural philosophy in history.
A. alike
B. equivalent
C. likely
D. uniform
5. There's a man at the reception desk who seems very angry and I think he means_______ trouble.
A. making
B. to make
C. to have made
D.having made
6. After the country won independence, great emphasis was laid on expanding education, with girls _______as well as boys to go to school.
< be encouraged
B. been encouraged
C. being encouraged
D. be encouraged
7. The new appointment of our president _______ from the very beginning of next semester.
A. takes effect
B. takes part
C. takes place
D.takes turns
8. The president made a _______ speech at the opening ceremony of the sports meeting, which encouraged the sportsmen greatly.
A. vigorous
B. tedious
C. flat
D. harsh
9. It is useful to be able to predict the extent _______ which a price change will affect supply and demand.
A. from
C. to
10. Finding a job in such a big company has always been _______ his wildest dreams.
A. under
B. over
C. above
D. beyond
11. It is not easy to learn English well but if you _______, you will succeed in the end.
A. hang up
B. hang about
C. hang in
D. hang onto
12. It is reported that ______ adopted children want to know who their natural parents are.
A. the most
B. most of
D. the most of
13. Last year the advertising rate _______ by 20 percent.
B. aroused
C. arose
D. rose
14. _____ before we depart the day after tomorrow, we should have a wonderful dinner party.
A. Had they arrived
B.Would they arrive
C. Were they arriving
D. Were they to arrive
15. The strong storm did a lot of damage to the coastal villages: several fishing boats were _______ and many houses collapsed.
A. wrecked
B. spoiled
C. torn
D. injured
16. The little was _______ one meter fifty high.
A. almost more than
B. hardly more than
C. nearly more than
D. as much as
17. As _____ announced in today's papers, the Shanghai Export Commodities Fair is also open on Sunday.
A. being
B. is
C. to be
D. been
18. Y ou see the lightning _____ it happens, but you hear the thunder later.
A. the instant
B. for an instant
C. on the instant
D. in an instant
19. The manager lost his _______ just because his secretary was ten minutes late.
A. mood
B. temper
C. mind
D. passion
20. Great as Newton was, many of his ideas _______ today and are being modified by the
work of scientists of our time.
A. are to challenge
B. may be challenged
C. have been challenged
D. are challenging
21. Please be careful when you are drinking coffee in case you _______ the new carpet.
A. crash
B. pollute
C. spot
D. stain
22. I'd rather read than watch television; the programs seem _______ all the time.
A. to get worse
B. to be getting worse
C. to have got worse
23. Convenience foods which are already prepared for cooking are _______ in grocery
A. ready
B. approachable
C. probable
D. available
24. When I caught him _______ me I stopped buying things there and started dealing with another shop.
A. cheating
C. to cheat
D. to be cheating
25. It is vital that enough money _______ to fund the project.
A. be collected
B. must be collected
C. is collected
D.can be collected
26. Some old people don't like pop songs because they can't _______ so much noise.
A. resist
B. sustain
C. tolerate
D. undergo
27. If only the committee _______ the regulations and put them into effect as soon as possible.
A. approve
B. will approve
C. can approve
D. would approve
28. _______ one time, Manchester was the home of the most productive cotton mills in
the world.
A. On
B. By
C. At
29. _______ it or not, his discovery has created a stir in scientific circles.
A. Believe
B. To believe
C. Believing
D. Believed
30. Mr. Morgan can be very sad _______, though in public he is extremely cheerful.
A. by himself
B. in person
C. in private
D. as individual
31.Please _______out when the ship sails for Shanghai.
A. look
B. find
C. search
D. research
32. The human_______ is the center of higher nervous activity.
A. brain
B. mind
C. head
D. thought
33. Can you_______ your sister in that crowd of people
A. choose
B. select
C. elect
D. pick out
34. I have my book _______in the train.
A. forgotten
B. left
C. mistaken
D. forgot
35. Mr. Kiney _______ pass an examination before she could practice law.
A. had to
B. must
C. need
D. has to
36. The boys are sweating all over. They_______.
A. must be working
B. must have been working
C. may be working
D. must work
37. Y ou needn't thank me . This is what I _______do.
A. should be able to
B. had better
C. ought to
D. might
38. Please _______anytime you are in town. I shall be glad to see you.
A.call for
B. call out
C. call upon
D. call in
39. Jack _______a very promising young singer.
A. is looked upon as
B. looks upon as
C. is looked on like
D. looks upon like
40.Would you mind _______it I didn't quite_______ .
A. repeating , catch on
B. to repeat , catch on
C. to repeat , catch out
D. repeating , catch out
41. This is the outline of our program. We want_______ them the details.
A. working out
B. making out
C. to work out
D. to make out
42.The train pulled _______and all the passengers got _______.
A. in, off
B. up, on
C. down, out
D. out, off
43. _______of the workers has his own bench.
A. Each
B. Every
C. Other
D. All
44. Are there_______ among the new books that interest you?
A. some
B. one
C. any
D. both
45. The speed of light is greater than_______ of sound.
A. this
B. that
C. these
D. those
46. This substance reacts _______as fast as the other one.
A.Third times
B. three times
C.three time
D. time three
47. One of these books _______easy for you to read; the others _______all very difficult.
A. are, is
B. is, are
C. were, was
D. are, will be
48. Eagles said that what Darwin_______ for biology_______ for history.
A. had done, was, had done
B. has done, is, has done
C. did, has been, had done
D. does, is ,does
49. By next summer John_______ in his factory for three years.
A. have been working
B. will have been working
C. will be working
D. has worked
50. The books which _______you most_______ those which_______ you think most.
A. helps, is, makes
B. help, are, make
C. will help, are, will make
D. helped, were, made
51. Smoking constitutes a danger _______one's health.
A. of
B. with
C. in
D. to
52. We feel great pity_______ war victims.
A. at
B. on
C. for
D. about
53. What is the penalty _______speeding
A. against
B. on
C. for
D. to
54. His success was due to_______ he had been working hard .
A. that
B. the fact which
C. the fact that
D. the fact of
55.Mr Smith looked very depressed.
Do you know_______ trouble was?
A. his
B. why his
C. how his
D. what his
56.He works too hard. That is ___is wrong with him.
A. that which
B. that what
C. what
D. the thing what
57. A driver should slow down_______ there are many houses.
A. where
B. when
C. till
D. since
58. Smith kept his business from getting smaller, _______he could not expand it.
A. wherever
B. whichever
C. though
D. whatever
59. The postman must deliver the mail no matter_______ bad the weather is.
A. what
B. how
C. when
D. where
60. In comparison with its own size, a blade of grass looks_______ to an ant as a tree does to a
human being.
A. tall
B. as tall
C. taller
D. no less tall
61. Liquids are a better medium for sound than gases; and solids are even _______liquids.
A. better than
B. good as
C. no better than
D. so good as
62. In the accident Jack was_______ dead than alive.
A. so
B. less
C. as
D. more
63. _______got outside than it began to rain.
A. Not sooner I had
B. No sooner had I
C. No sooner I
D. Hardly had I
64. Only by chance _______.
A. I heard that her mother had died
B. did I hear that her mother had died
C. Had I heard that her mother had died
D. I had heard that her mother had died.
65. Jack has arrived already, _______?
A. had he
B. has he
C. hadn't he
D. hasn't he
66. He avoided_______ over the unpaved (未铺砌的) way by _______the new highway.
A. to drive, to take
B. driving, to take
C. driving, taking
D. having drived, to take
67. _______we stopped to look at the map.
A.Knowing not which road to take
B. Not knowing which road to take
C.Not know which road to take
D. Not to know which road to take
68. Y ou'd better take a taxi, _______you 'll miss the train.
A. and
B. or
C. but
D. though
69. My friend_______ lots of time learning English.
A. took
B. cost
C. paid
D. spent
70. The students hurried to the classroom _______the bell rang.
A. until
B. as soon as
C. if
D. so that
71. The price of the vase ________ its age: if it is very old, it will be worth a lot of money.
A. holds on
B. attends to
C. follows
D. depends on
72. Mrs. Green’s two sons are ________ good progress at school.
A. finding
B. making
C. causing
D. doing
73.Both kindness and firmness are needed to ________ domestic animals successfully.
A. practice
B. train
C. educate
D. tutor
74.In ha rd times people always ________ their country’s leaders for guidance.
A. look to
B. see through
C. glance at
D. inspect
75.The doctor’s mistakes in judgement ________ the death of the patient.
A. resulted from
B. brought out
C. broke off
D. led to
76.With all the noise outside, I could hardly ________ my paper writing.
A. find out
B. work up
C. concentrate on
D. look over
77.The strong wind was ________ the broken window.
A. responsible for
B. ready for
C. possible for
D. sure of
78.People such as teachers, government officials and bank managers earn ________.
A. wages
B. income
C. salaries
D. pay
79.If you don’t want to get wet, then you’d better ________ this umbrella with you.
A. take
B. taken
C. to take
D. taking
80. Their dialogue was so funny that we all _______ laughter.
A. broke into
B. broke up
C. broke away
D. broke out
Part ⅡReading Comprehension
Passage 1
In every day usage “hot” means “having a lot of heat”. Many people think that “cold” is somet hing completely separated from heat. But this is not true. “Cold” simply means “having very little heat”.