1._______ unexpected heavy rain usually causes _______ great change.
A.The; the B.An; 不填C.An; the D.The; a 2.George couldn’t remember when he first met Mr. Anderson, but he was sure it was _____ Sunday because everybody was at _____ church.
A./; the B.the; /
C.a; / D./; a
3.Look, there is        “u” and“s” in the word university .
A.an ; an B.a; an C.a; a D./ ; a
4.My parents have made ________ a habit to go out for a walk around Xuanwu Lake.
A.this B.it C.that D.one
5.—Wow! Jim plays the piano so well.
—Not ________ can play it like this. He works hard at it.
A.everybody B.somebody C.nobody D.anybody
6.For the time being we can collect much ________ either from books or on the Internet. A.idea B.method C.information D.suggestion
7.The speaker showed ________ examples to make the science report easy to understand. A.awful B.proper C.stupid D.tiring
8.Millie used to be ________, but now she can make friends with others and organize activities. A.shy B.active C.honest D.lively
9.—The boy is tall enough ________ his age.
—Yes, I was much shorter when I was his age.
A.of B.at C.from D.for
10.The workers will build a new road ________ the two villages.
A.from B.among C.at D.between
11.A survey about why teenagers like bilibili so much was ________ here last week. A.taken out B.carried out C.turned out D.worked out 12.—Oh, my God! I have ________ 5 pounds!
—No worries. It’s normal for a growing teenager.
A.put up B.put down C.put on D.put off
13.—How beautiful the winter jasmines (迎春花) are!
—Yes. These golden-yellow flowers ________ be widely seen in my city in March.
A.must B.can C.would D.should
14.________ big success the film ________ her novel was!
A.What a, based upon B.What, was based on
C.What a, was based upon D.How, based on
15.Don’t let any failures influence your moods, for you can never tell ________ close you may be to victory.
A.what B.why C.where D.how
16.— ________ is it from your school to your home?
— 20 minutes by bus.
A.How far B.How long C.How soon D.How often 17.—________ do your parents come to visit you in the US, Tom?
—Once a year.
A.How often B.How long C.How soon D.How far
18.— I hope to travel in space one day.
—That’s not just a dream. It’s reported the first space hotel                in the near future. A.builds B.is built C.will build D.will be built 19.It is amazing to the whole world that Huoshenshan Hospital and Leishenshan Hospital
________ in 10 days.
A.completed B.were completed C.will complete D.will be completed 十一、选择题
20.My toothache    me. I thought it was going away, but it is getting worse now.
A.kills B.is killing C.has killed D.killed
21.One of the firms I applied to has offered me a job but I _____ my options open until I hear from the others.
A.have kept B.will have kept
C.am keeping D.keep
22.— Excuse me, can you show me the way to the nearest bus stop?
—Sorry. I’m a stranger here. I ______ here until my guide arrives.
A.stand B.have stood
C.am standing D.will stand
23.—Bob, can you take the dog for a walk?
—Sorry, Dad. I ________ an online class.
A.take B.took C.am taking D.have taken 24.Now ABC Cinema on Forest Road ________ the old film called Roman Holiday.
A.is show B.is showing C.is showed D.is on
25.Don’t be crazy abo ut computer games, ________ your parents will be worried.
A.and B.or C.but D.so
26.—Hi, Mary! I want to go to Qinghai Museum, but I am not sure ________ get there.—Don’t worry. Let me tell you.
A.how could I B.how I can C.how can I D.how I did
27.W e haven’t decided ________.
A.that we will repair our house B.when did we go to the party
C.where we went on vacation D.whether we will keep a pet
28.In England, if you think that other people are always in a better situation than you, even when the y are not, we say “________”.
A.the grass is always greener on the other side B.every dog has its day
C.the early bird catches the worm D.actions speak louder than words
29.— Would you mind my turning on the TV? The New Year concert has just begun.
— ________. Just go ahead.
A.Please don’t B.Better not C.Of course not D.I’m afraid not 30.—Mum, Joe has broken a cup!
—________. Accidents always happen.
A.Pretty good B.Of course C.It doesn’t matter D.That depends 31.—It’s been a wonderful party. Thank y ou very much?
—- ________________.
A.With pleasure B.No , thanks C.It’s OK D.I’m glad you enjoyed it .
32.The film Hello, Mom! is such a moving film that I think it is well worth________ .
A.to watch B.watching C.watches D.watch
33.China has successfully prevented the Covid-19 from _______ through the country. A.spread B.to spread C.spreading D.spreads
34.---Do you have any idea what Paul does all day ?
--- As I know, he spends at least as much time playing as he      .
A.writes B.does writing C.is writing D.does write
35.—Carl, are you coming with us?
—I’d love to, but something unexpected ______.
A.is coming up B.comes up C.came up D.has come up 36.—Would you like to watch the film Fast and Furious 9 tonight?
— Sure. I still want to see it again although I ________ it already.
A.watch B.will watch C.was watching D.have watched 37.Both his parents look sad. Maybe they _________ what's happened to him.
A.will know B.know C.have known D.are knowing 38.— I think the man over there must be Douglas.
— It ________ be him. He has ________ to Australia.
A.can’t, gone B.can’t, been C.may not, been D.mustn’t, gone
39.---I didn’t expect that John would be absent from my last Sunday’s birthday party.
--- As far as I know, he ______ to see his parents in the countryside on Sundays.
A.goes B.went
C.has gone D.had gone
40.All of you ______ at the school gate! We’ll soon start.
A.will gather B.gather
C.will be gathering D.are gathering
41.Both xiangchun and shepherd’s purse (荠菜) ________ popular vegetables at their best in spring.
A.are B.is C.will be D.were
42.—I want to know if he ________ back tomorrow.
—I’ll call you as soon as ________.
A.will come; will return B.will come; returns
C.comes; will return D.come; returns
43.Each of us _____ a life goal, which will guide us to a bright future.
A.has B.have C.will have D.had
44.—Have you heard of the latest news about WIFI?
—Yes. When the 5G age      , the Internet speed will be 100 times as high as 4G.
A.come B.comes C.will come D.is coming
45.—It’s the best time to visit Lianyungang now.
英语练习题—Yes, it is the beautiful city ________ I want to visit.
A.where B.who C.which D.when
46.--- Have you ever seen the film The Shawshank Redemption?
---Yes, and I think it is the best film    teaches me a lot.
A.that B.which C.what D./
47.—You look smart in the T-shirt ________ your daughter bought for you.
—Thanks a lot.
A.which B.who C.whom D.whose
48.----- Have you found the information about the famous teachers_______ you can use for your writing.
-----No, not yet. I’ll search some on the Internet.
A.who B.what C.where D.which
49.---What kind of movies do you like?
--I like movies_______ are about Chinese history.
A.who B.whom C.whose D.that
50.—More and more people like shopping online now.
—I agree. My sister will be crazy about it ________ my parents give her enough money.
A.if B.unless C.when D.while
答案C[a Sunday意为“某个星期天”,at church意为“礼拜”,为固定结构,不用冠词。] 3.B
考查代词辨析。this这个,指近物;it它,没有远近之分;that那个,指远物;one一个,指代上文提到过的同类事物中的一个,但不是上文提到的那一个事物,如果指同类事物中的一些,要用ones;分析句子可知,句子使用固定结构: make it (形式宾语)+宾语补足语(形容词/名词)+真正的宾语;make it a habit to do sth. 养成一个习惯做某事,这里的it指代的就是go out for a walk around Xuanwu Lake,所以此处使用代词it。故选B。