1--I don’t have time to swim any more.---___.Exercise is really important for your  health.
  A.It’s up to you    B.That’s too had  C.I can ‘t agree more  D.That all depends
2After months of hard work, the student are___he summer holiday to get away  form their studies.
  A.catching up with  B.getting along with  C.taking notice of  D.looking forward to
3Your brother___his homework in the next room.Please turn down the TV.
  A.is doing  B.has done.  C.did  D.was doing
4With so many eyes looking at me, I felt ratherwhen ___I failed to answer the question.
  A.amazed  B.puzzled  C.embarrassed  D.disappointed
5I___fall asleep the night before the exam ---I was too worried about it.
  A. mustn’t    B. couldn’t  C. shouldn’t  D.might not
6What__us most during our stay in Britanin was its weather---it seemed to be always changing.
  A.impressed  B.appreciated  C.covered  D.moved
7、The room isn’t large enough to hold the party .We need one___.
  A.twice so large  B.as twice large  C.twice as large  D.so twice large
8、---Could you give me a(n)____of  your PE teacher?
  ---Sure.He is tall and strong. And he is always wearing a smile.
  Amunication  B.description  C.explanation  D.suggestion
9、The custom started as early as the 12th  cenhlry.____,it has a history of over 900 years.
  A.To be honest  B.By the  way  C.As a result  D.In other words
10、In the busy word___we live in, we all need a vacation to get us relaxed.
A.that  B.what  C.when  D.where
11It is important to have a positive attitude___life , especially when we meet with something    unpleasant.
    A.With    B.for    C.to    D.at
12、___myself  putting  on too much weight , I eat nothing but fruit and vegetables for supper.
    A.To stop  B. Stopping    C.Stop    D.Being stopped
13、---What do you think of____design?
---It is quite goot,in____manner,but I don’t care much for it.
A. a;the    B.the;the  C.a;a  D.the;a
14、A report says that England ____into two nations,those who read weekly or daily, and those who prefer TV and DVDs.
A .divides    B.was dividing    C.was being divided    D.is divided
15、Tom has made great progress since last term.And____.
A.so Idid    B.so have I  C.so did I    D.so I have
1---We ' ll  meet  in font of the theatre next  Wednesday .
A. let’s go    B.that’s settled    Ce on  D. I’m sorry
2Jim has the clear ____that Jenny agreed the plant then ,but she refuses to admit it.
A.translation    B.experience    C. revision  D.impression
3With the research ___,I felt that I had enough knowledge to start my report.
A.done      B.doing    C.to be done  D.having  done
4Tom had accident.____,he couldn’t walk for six months.
A.In  fact    B.In a word    C.As a result    D. As usual
5A good boss should take good care of those ___work for him .
    A.who      B.whom    C which    D.when
6、Peter was lying on his bed , resting after a(n)___game of tennis.
A.intelligent      B.scientific      C ..energetic      D.enthusiastic
7---Is  the  company  influenced  by  the  bad  economy?
  ---Of  course. It____cutting half of its staff.
A.considered      B. considers    C.is considering    D.had  considered
8Medical science has made ___great progree in fighting diseases ,but a lot still needs to be done in ___area.
    A.a;the      B 不填;the    C .a;a    D不填;a
9、Alice  is  so high up among the clouds and afraid  that she___look down .
    A.daren’t    B.mustn’t      C.shouldn’t    D.needn’t   
10、I don’t  need any help ,but I do_____your offer.
    A.hate      B.celebrate    C.encourage    D.appreciate
11、I respect these writers ____giving me some of the best articles online.
    A.for    B.with    C.in  D.as
12、Trave in groups and avoid ___out alone at night .
    A.to go      B. gone    C.go      D.going
13、I know I asked you before,but I just wanted to ___.
    A.make  a  difference    B.make sense  C.make sure  D.make a miatake
14、You will never pass your exams___you study hard.
    A.until      B.unless      C.if      D.that
15、The first letter Ella worte me was less than a page long,and her second letter was____short.
    A.immediately    B.incorrectiy    C.seriously    D.similary
1___fastest train in India nowadays has___top speed of 150 km/h.英语练习题