  1、 Can we ______at home now ? ( stay )
  2、 What ____ they _____on Tuesday ? (do )
  3、 I can’t _____ you with your lesson . (help )
  4、 A week _____ only seven days .( have )
  5、 What ______Ken ______ on Saturday ? (do)
  6、 My father ______ to the library every Sunday .( go )
  7、 Lucy loves _____ storybooks .( read )
  8、 ______he go to the supermarket every day ? (do )
  9、 Uncle Booky _____ not always go to buy things in the morning .( do )
  10、 Look, his parents __________ for him . ( wait )
  11、 Let’s ______ a party now . ( have )
  12、 Can you go _______with us ? (swim)
  13、 Where _____he _______? ( go )
  14、 It’s time ________your grandma . ( visit )
  15、 His bike is _______. ( break )
  16、 Your watch is ________. ( fix)
  17、 Lucy ______ dinner at ten . ( eat )
  18、 My sister ______ a violin class every Friday . ( have )
  19、 He can’t always ______at home .( be)
  20、 What ______ you ________ now ? ( do ) I ________my homework .( do )
  21、 When _______he ______to the store ? ( go )
  22、 Sometimes she _________TV at home .( watch )
  23、 Ann usually _____ up at six twenty . ( get )
  24、 What time ______the movie ________? ( start )
  25、 There _______a lot of dinosaurs there , ( be )
  26、 Shall we ______  some comics ? ( read )
  27、 The zoo __________ at 18:00. ( close )
  28、 ______ you free tomorrow ? (be )
  29、 What are we ___ ____ _____ tomorrow ? (  do )
  30、 Is it going to _____ snowy today ? ( be )
  (    ) 1. Can you show us ______ your new school?
A. to
B. around
C. about
  (    ) 2. ________ any swings in the park.
A. There are
B. There isn’t
C. There aren’t
  (    ) 3. People eat a lot of nice food ______ Christmas Day.
A. on
B. at
C. in
  (    ) 4. Tom likes singing, but Mike ________
A. don’t
B. doesn’t
C. isn’t
  (    ) 5. Where's my dog?    Look,  it's ______ the cars.
A. between
B. under
C. on
  (    ) 6. I can _______ salads. I like _______ salads.
A. make; making
B. making; make
C. make; make
  (    ) 7. In the book《Robin Hood》,who killed Robert’s father?
A. The Sheriff of Nottingham
B. King Richard
C. Robert
  (    ) 8. The bear is in front of_____.
A. he
B. she
C. her
  (    ) 9. We usually play basketball          Wang Bing.
A.    to
B. and
C. with
  (    ) 10. What is the witch’s house made of?
A. Wood
B. Bread and cakes
C. Sweet
  (    ) 11. In the US, this is            .
A. the first floor
B. the ground floor英语练习题
C. building
  (    ) 12. She ______ likes toy buses.
A. too
B. also
C. all
  (    ) 13. Who does the little girl see in the flame?
A. Her grandmother
B. Her mother
C. Her father
  (    )14. — How many ______ trees are there on the farm? — Twelve.
A. an apple
B. apples
C. apple
  (    )15. There are two apples. _______ is green, ______ is red.
A. one, one
B. one, other
C. One, the other
  Ⅰ              Ⅱ
  (    ) 1. Are there any songbooks on the piano?  A. They like drawing.
  (    ) 2. Where are the pies?                B. Great! Let’s go and play.
  (    ) 3. Who is your good friend?      C. They are in the kitchen.
  (    ) 4. What do they like doing?          D. Yes, there are.
  (    ) 5. Look! There is a swing.                E. At six.
  (    ) 6. Let’s go fishing this Sunday.        F. Really? I like nice food.
  (    ) 7. It’s Christmas tomorrow.            G. Helen is.
  (    ) 8. When do you have dinner?            H. Wait a minute, please.
  (    ) 9. My father is a cook.                I. Good idea!
  (    ) 10. Let’s have lessons now.          J. Let’s buy a turkey for it.
  1. Liu Tao can ______ (play/plays) basketball.
  2. There ______ (is/are) some orange juice in the glass.
  3. Kitty is good at _____ (dancing/ dance).
  4. Liu Tao often ______ (fly/flies) kites and ______(play/plays) football after school.
  5. Do they have a ______ (swim/swimming) lesson? Yes, they ______( do/does).
  6. They have no legs ______ (and/or) arms.
  7. The reading room is on the ____________ (three/third) floor.
  8. My sister can’t skate very ____.  ( well / good )
  1. 停下来!我们的车前⾯有许多孩⼦。
  _______! There are many children _____ _____ of our car.
  2. 今天早上我起得很早,然后我写了⼀封信。
  This morning, I get up ______, and then I write a ______.
  3. 猴⼦有长腿长⼿臂。
  Monkeys have long_______ and long _______.
  4. 护⼠经常帮助病⼈。
  The ______ _______ _______ sick people.
  Hi! My name is Eric. Let me  1  you about my day. I get up  2    seven o'clock every morning. I wash my face and brush my teeth. Then I have my breakfast. Then I get ready  3    school. I take my schoolbag and go to school by bus.
  I have classes in the morning. I have lunch at twelve o'clock. Then I have more classes in the afternoon. I come home at half past three.  4  school, I watch TV. Then I do my homework. I have dinner  5  my family. Finally I have a shower and brush my teeth. I go to bed at eight o'clock. I need to get ready for another day!
  (    ) 1. A. talk    B. say    C. tell
  (    ) 2. A. at      B. on    C. in
  (    ) 3. A. to    B. at      C. for
  (    ) 4. A. In        B. After        C. At
  (    ) 5. A. and        B. to            C. with
5、⼀盒巧克⼒ ______________
  7、a brown blanket ______________8、near the tent______________
  9、a new towel______________ 10、behind the stove______________
  1、I have______old tent.
  A: a B: an C: the
  2、What does________have?
  A: Jim B: they C: you
  3、You___________some oranges, and he__________one.
  A: has, has B: have, has C: have. have
  4、What do__________-have?
  A: There B: Yang Ling C: They
  5、________does mike have? He________-a stove.
  A: Which, has B: What, have C: What, has
  1、does, Sam, what, have (? )
  2、a pot, a stove, they, have, and (.)
  3、have, they, some, towels, nice (.)
  4、Tom’s, does, have, friend, what (?)
  5、some, picture, they, some, have (.)
  Ted is twelve years old. He has z little dog. It is a present(礼物) from his parents. Ted likes the dog very much. He calls the dog Luck(幸运). Luck is white. It has two big eyes. It likes playing with Ted. Every Sunday, Ted takes Luck to the park. They have a good time there.
  ( )1. Luck is twelve years old.
  ( )2. Ted likes the present from his parents..
  ( )3. Luck’s eyes are big.
  ( )4. Luck doesn’t likes playing with Ted.
  ( )5. Every Sunday, Ted goes to the park with Luck.