1.I know this plan is far from perfect, but I just can’t think of _____ one.
A.a better    B.the better    C.a best    D.the best
2.Tiger Watch, _______ 80-minute documentary, won_______ award for its amazing photography.
A.an; an    B.an, a
C.a, an    D.the; a
3._____ great progress he has made! I really think it’s _____ great success.
A.What a; 不填    B.What; a
C.How; a    D.What; 不填
4.- Where Are We Going Dad has become one of China's most popular TV shows.
- Yes._______ film with the same name as_______ TV show will hit screens in 2014.
A.The;/    B.A; a    C.The; a    D.A; the
5.According to the picture, the Communist Party of China has a history of            hundred years.
A.a    B.an    C.the    D./
6.— Who was calling you on the phone just now?
— ________ was my mum.
A.She    B.That    C.It    D.This
7.—This book on Yancheng’s history is interesting. I’d like______. Where did you buy it, Tom?
—In the Amazon Bookstore.
A.it    B.this    C.that    D.one
8.BFSU is not far from Peking University, so you can easily visit ________ in a day.
A.both    B.all    C.either    D.neither
9.You are supposed to bring _________ to his attention that the journey will be really tiring.
A.that    B.it    C.this    D.you
10.—Sam, there are so many spelling mistakes in your paper. You should try not to repeat________.
—Sorry, Mr. White. I'll be more careful from now on.
A.it    B.its    C.them    D.theirs
11.—Sophie, I can carry the heavy bag for you, if you can't.
—That's a very kind________. Thanks a lot.
A.promise    B.service    C.offer    D.suggestion
12.With the ________ of the computer, museums today are different from what they used to be.
A.invitation    B.introduction    C.communication    D.pronunciation
13.— What is the ________ of your excellent works?
— Just practice again and again.
A.value    B.duty    C.secret    D.result
14.The new high-speed railway connecting Zhenjiang to Lianyungang is now in ________ and it saves a lot of time.
A.surprise    B.spirit    C.silence    D.service
15.As a student, getting up early and being afraid of missing the first school bell may be common ________ for you. But thanks to new rules, you can stay in bed longer than before.
A.signs    B.symbols    C.experiences    D.expressions
16.Yuan Longping is considered to have made a great _________ to the development of agriculture.
A.progress    B.invention    C.introduction    D.contribution
17.— How do you find the price now?     
— As a ________ rule, prices follow needs.
A.private    B.general    C.central    D.difficult
18.—No one could be more suitable for the job than you.
—Thanks. Your words have made me more ________ of my interview.
A.creative    B.relaxed    C.nervous    D.confident
19.The Spring Festival is one of the ______ festivals in China and everyone loves to celebrate it.
A.modern    B.traditional    C.international    D.ancient
20.He takes part in all kinds of activities in his _____ time.
A.busy    B.spare    C.high    D.empty
21.——Millie does welt in her lessons, but she never shows off.
——I can't agree more. She is quite________.
A.modest    B.curious    C.gentle    D.polite
22.— What do you think of those doctors in Wuhan, Ma Lin?
—How brave they are! They’ve tried their best to keep patients ________.
A.live    B.alive    C.living    D.lively
23.—What do you think of his ___________ play?
—I like it much better than his ___________one.
A.latest; last    B.last; laster    C.last; last    D.latest; latest
24.Anyone who can find the clues ________ the case will get a reward of 5,000 yuan.
A.with    B.to    C.at    D.from
25.— I haven’t been to Shenzhen for years.
— You really need to pay a visit, and you’ll find changes there are ________ imagination.
A.beyond    B.through    C.without    D.for
26.Wu Mengchao, known as the “father of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery” passed away ________ the age of 99 on Saturday.
英语练习题A.on    B.in    C.at    D.by
27.It is a good idea to experience life ________ the school by volunteering. Take an active part in it, and you will make a difference to the world.
A.above    B.beyond    C.over    D.against
28.On sunny days, my grandma often reads a novel ________ the window.
A.for    B.by    C.with    D.from
29.A new bridge               the Yangtze River in Nanjing opened to traffic on Dec. 24, 2020.
A.through    B.over    C.on    D.along
30.The chopsticks are ________ wood.
A.made of    B.made from    C.made in    D.made with
31.I met Nancy ________ my way home yesterday.
A.in    B.at    C.by    D.on
32.My family get together and have a big dinner ________ Sundays.