. 单项选择题
1.Eyes play an important role in body balance and it is important to ____ as much information from the environment as possible.
A. absorb    B. involve    C. invent    D. conquer
2. Whatever one has planned to do is ____ to be altered in the process.
A. prohibited    B. eager    C. embarrassed    D. bound
3.If your children are spending too much time on computer games, think carefully about how you are going to ____ the situation.
A. accomplish    B. arrange    C. handle    D. decrease
4.She fell asleep at last, but in no time at all the pain in her back ____ her again, sharp and insistent.
A. conquered    B. wakened    C. absorbed    D. retired
5. Early in the morning, I was ____ out of bed to repair a minor fault on the car.
A. distracted    B. dragged    C. wakened    D. assigned
6.You should make sure you know where the parents can be ________, and that they have given you all the information you are likely to need about the child.
A. connected    B. communicated    C. committed    D. contacted
7.On one _______, they locked her in a car when they went to a call and wound up the window to prevent her overhearing ( 偷听 ).
A. occasion    B. campus    C. voyage    D. basis
8.If  you wish,  we can ______ for  your  luggage (行李 ) to be sent on ahead to each of  the
overnight stops.
A. memorize B. contract C. arrange D. commit 9. The boy ______ turned the TV off as the clock struck ten, time for him to go to bed. A. reluctantly B. disappointedly C. fortunately D. undoubtedly
10.I started to read newspapers and magazines more, and, for just about the first time in my life, I began to take an interest in _______ affairs.
A. personal    B. current    C. ancient    D. social
11. I    d like to ________ that students should be allowed more time for independent study.
A. propose    B. command    C. arrange    D. steer
12. On a ________ day, our professor works in the lab from 9 A.M. to 11 P.M..
A. following    B. typical    C. previous    D. diligent
13.He might as well have picked a family ________ out of the telephone book and stayed
with them.
A. at random    B. at a time    C. after all    D. in detail.
14. The books are beautifully ____ with drawings and photographs.
A. illustrated    B. designed    C. written    D. covered
15.A sign at our local church is in wood, with gold lettering, but the ____ is already fading after three years.
A. product
B. latter
C. later
D. medal
The ____ table ( 写字台 )takes up too much space in my small office.
A. to write
B. writing
C. written
D. write
They failed to convince her of his ____.
A. honesty
B. honest
C. dishonestly
D. honestly

He suggested that the novel ____ into a film.
A. make
B. made
C. making
D. be made
His report on the Olympic Games was really ____.
A. excite
B. exciting
C. excitement
D. excited
Mary picked ____ a book from the floor and began to read.
A. on
B. in
C. out
D. up
She is young and ____, but she is good at learning.
A. experience
B. inexperience
C. experienced
D. inexperienced
His classmates tried to persuade him ____ swimming across the river, but he did not listen.
A. from
B. in
C. on
D. to
Nowadays we rely more and more ____ computers to help us in doing everything.
A. in
B. from
C. on
D. to
Ann has a wheelchair that was ____ designed for her.
A. especially
B. especial
C. special
D. specially
You are ____ to fail the exam if you don
tdo any revision.
A. bound
B. bunch
C. rely
D. pick
答案: 1.A
11.A  12.B  13.A
18.D  19.B
1. Large-scale studies are needed to____ the encouraging results we have obtained so far
A. conduct
B. confirm
C. contract
D. commit
2. Whoever disobeys the company s safety regulations shall be __ on the spot
A. dismissed
B. switched
C. interrupted
D. revealed
3. All
the questions the
asked____ what
she had been doing on the  night  of
A. brought up
B. revolved around C. built on
D. singled out
4.If schoolchildren are allowed to work at their own____, their performance will generally improve
A. version    B. pace    C. evolution    D. system
5.To attract foreign investors, you have to____ them that their investment will have profitable returns
A. confirm    B. stimulate    C. grab    D. convince
6.The conference was an attempt to____ discussion of the problem of widening gaps between the rich and the poor
A. stimulate    B. conduct    C. intend    D. uncover
7. The clerk held my passport four inches from his face and____ to read it
A. affected    B. flipped    C. strained    D. giggled
8.If these problems are not____ early in their training, they can be a real danger to themselves and to their instructors