三、                                    英语练习一
(1)                   (    ) 1.Do you have new teachers?
                      A. He is Mr. Hu      B. Yes. We have a new math teacher.
(2)                   (  2. Who is your art teacher?
                      A. Mr Wu              B. We have a new art teacher
(3)                   (    ) 3. What's he like?
                      A. She is strict but kind.          B. He is strong.
(4)                   (    ) 4. Is she young?
                    A. She's our principal.              B. No, she's old.
(5)                   (    )  5. What do you have on Tuesdays?
                    A. It's Tuesday.      B. We have computer, P.E. and math.
(6)                 (    )  6.What's your favourite fruit?
                      A. I like mutton very much.   B. Grapes.
(7)                  (    )  7.What would you like for lunch today?
                      A. I'd like some beef and two eggs  B. I like Mondays.
(8)                  (    )  8.What day is it today?
                    A. Thursday                            B. Birthday
(9)                   (    )  9. What do you do on Sundays?
                    A. I have math and Chinese.  B. I watch TV and read books.
(                  (    )  10.Who's that young lady?
A. She's tall and thin.            B. She's our principal.
(  ) 1. Do you have a new teacher?
A. Yes, I am.      B. No, I don't.      C. No, I do.
(  ) 2. _______ your math teacher?  Mr Zhao.
  A. What's      B. Who's      C. Where's
(  ) 3. — What's he like?     — He's _______.
     A. funny      B. fun      C. principal
(  ) 4. Is she quiet?
     A. Yes, she isn't.      B. No, she is.      C. No, she isn't.
(  ) 5. What ______is it today?
     A. day      B. today      C. date
(  ) 6. What do we have on Mondays? We have _______.
 A. Friday      B. science      C. fruit
(  ) 7. What do you ______ on Saturdays
A. is      B. does      C. do
(  ) 8. What _____ you?
A. are      B. about      C. do
(  ) 9. What would you like for dinner?  I'd like some ______.
A. green beans      B. green bean      C. bea
(  ) 10. I don't like grapes. They are ____.
 A .sweet      B. sour      C. healthy
三、下面8 组被打乱顺序的问句和答句,把正确的答句的字母标号填入括号内。
(  ) 1. What do you do on Sundays?          A. I often play ping-pong.
(  ) 2. What day is it today?               B. We have English and art.
(  ) 3. What classes do you have on Mondays?    C. It's Wednesday.
(  ) 4.What's she like?                       D. She's tall and thin.
(  ) 5. What would you like for lunch?        E. No, they are sour.
(  ) 6. Would you like some grapes?          F. I'd like some fish and rice.
                A            B         C        D              E
(  ) 1. I like to eat fruit.
(  ) 2. Our Chinese teacher is very kind.
(  ) 3. I like beef. It's healthy.
(  ) 4. What day is it today? It's Friday.
(  ) 5. I often do my homework on Saturdays.
1. A.           your music teacher?      B.           ________ Liu.
  (1)                        (2)
2.A:        ____________________?
B: It's Tuesday.
3. A: What do you do on Saturdays?
B: I               ______.
  (3)              (4)
4. A: What would you like for lunch?
B: I'd like some____________ and          
(  ) What do you have on Mondays?
(  ) What day is it today?
(  ) We have math and Chinese.
(  ) What about you?
(  ) It's Monday.
(  ) We have Chinese, too.
f    S    r    P    U    d    T    q      Y    K
L    Q    U    C  G  J    M  Z  X  H
fish        noodles        thin        meat      soup
1、(  Aface                Beye              Cdesk
2、(  Aseven              Bkite              Cfour
3、(  Ayellow              Bred              Cfat
4、(  Asnake              Btwelve            Ccat
5、(  Athin                Bfather              Cmother
1、当你的朋友过生日时,你要说:(    )
AGood morning!              BHappy Birthday to you!
2、当你介绍你的给小伙伴认识时,你要说:(    )
AHi, this is my sister.              BHi, she is my sister.
3、当你问你的小伙伴喜不喜欢吃香蕉时,你要说:(    )
ADo you like bananas?            BYes, I like it.
4、当你让小伙伴看小鸟时,你要说:(    )
ALook at the bird.                  BI like the bird.
5、当你想知道有多少只鸭子时,你应该说:(    )
ASeven ducks.                  BHow many ducks?
A  B  C        D          E
1I like fish and noodles.(    )
2This is a fat pig.    (    )
3He’s a farmer.  (    )
4I want to drink(想要喝) some coffee(咖啡) (    )
5Happy birthday to you! (    )
1. The lion is big. (    )
2. This boy is thin.(    )
3. Let’s play ping-pong.(    ) 
4. This snake is long.(    ) 
5. This is a bag.  (      )
                          This is my face.                         
This is my nose.
                          This is my eye.
                          This is my mouth.