1. When he first started in university, he really felt at _____ with his major --- economics.
A. shore                B. bank                C. ocean                D. sea
2. Sally was a bit shy, but the teacher found her quite ____ discussing a recent film with others.
A. at home            B. at most            C. at house            D. at bean
3. There are still many problem ahead of us, but by his time next year we can see light at the end of the _________.
A. battle              B. day                  C. road                D. tunnel
4.She’s always been kind to me –I can’t just turn ______on her now that she needs my help.
    A. my back    B. my head          C. my eye                D. shoulder
5. The thieves fled with the local police close on their _________.
A backs              B necks                C toes                D heels
6. They had a pleasant chat __ a cup of coffee.
A. for            B. with                C. during          D. over
7.She’s always been kind to me –I can’t just turn ______on her now that she needs my help.
    A. my back    B. my head      C. my eye        D. shoulder
8. Keep this reference book; it may come in _____ one day.
A. handy            B. useful            C. convenient        D. helpful
9. When invited to talk about his achievements+ he refused to blow his own _____ and declined to speak at the meeting.
A. trumpet            B. whistle            C. bugle                D. flute
10. John is up to his eyes in work at the moment. The underlined part means         .
A. very excited    B. very busy            C. very tired            D. very efficient
11. The boys in the dorm    _________a coin to decide who would clean the floor.
A. held            B. tossed            C. put                D. collected
12. I'd like to have a ___________ word with his parents.
A. peaceful                B. quiet                C. silent                D. personal
13. At last night’s party Larry said something that I though was beyond me. The underlined part means __________.
A. I was unable to do                        B. I couldn’t understand
C. I was unable to stop                        D. I couldn’t tolerate
14.    He turned his back on them when they most needed him. The underlined part means____.
A. criticized        B. ignored        C. betrayed            D. deceived
15. He was very sick and his life was hanging by a _________.
  A. rope    B. thread        C. cord        D. string
16. When it comes to fishing, I beat him by ________.
  A. kilometers        B. grams      C. meters      D. miles
17. In her hometown, she was a big fish in a small _________, but after she moved to New York, she was just only one among many millions.
  A. pond            B. sea      C. ocean        D. lake
18. Dont bring Robert to the picnic. He is such a wet _________.
  A. sheet          B. carpet      C. blanket        D. bedclothes
19. I needed more money and so I decided to take the ________ by the horns and ask my boss for more pay.
  A. bull            B. cow          C. goat        D. wolf
20. I have ______ in my stomach before I go on a first date with a girl.
  A. dragonflies          B. bees        C. butterflies        D. birds
21. It really got Mr. Browns _______ when he had to wait two hours to get his plane tickets.
  A. sheep            B. goat          C. horse            D. cow
22. How do I know what he is going to do? His intentions are always as clear as _________.
  A. soil            B. day          C. water          D. mud
23. They have always treated us with a(n) ______ hand, so we must be generous in return.
  A. open          B. heavy        C. iron            D. full
24. Mary wants her identity to be kept in _______.
  A. black          B. dark            C. purple          D. blue
25. When you worry, you tend not to be able to fall asleep and when you cannot fall asleep you worry even more. It is a ________ circle.
  A. repetitive        B. bad          C. round              D. vicious
26. Everything that we are doing is all perfectly above __________.
  A. timber          B. log          C. board          D. lumber
27. When I finally secured a small part in a television play, my mother was as proud as a _____ and told all the neighbors about it.
  A. goose        B. peacock          C. swan            D. duck
28. Mike is a first-rate leader who knows how to call the _________.
  A. sanps          B. shootings          C. shots          D. strokes
29. Eying Lucy ________, Jason could hardly believe that his long lost friend was standing before him.
  A. from head to feet    B. from head to toe      C. from hair to feet    D. from hair to toe
30. I had a rude comment on the _____ of my tongue, but I decided not to say it.