1.The government has declared a state of <emergency> because of the tsunami resulting from the earthquake.
2.He closed the door behind him and<locked>it ,as was his habit.
3."I don't see why I should take the blame for this !"Mary <protested>when her boss shouted at her about the broken window.
4.Humans are <unique>because they have the capacity to choose what they do.
5.I passed my driving test,<thanks to >the extra help my Dad gave me.
6.Mr.Pommeroy had a dog that <followed>him <around>everywhere ,even into the kitchen at four o'clock every morning.
7.How can you be so <selfish>?Consider the wishes of other people.
8.I don't care what others think of me .what .<matters>is that I have done my best.
9.If you have an idea to present,please make an <effort>to present it concisely and clearly.
10.There aren't really any <shortcuts>to learning English.
11.You can't expect to master the subject if you don't <work at >it.
12.Jone is so selfish that even his girlfriend can't<lives with>him any longer.
13.The police are <seeking>information as to the whereabouts of the robbers.
14.You must <gather>your strength for the journey;it is going to be a tough one.
15.Getting this contract is <crucial>to the future of this company.
16.The city government's decision to close down the chemical plant has met with the<approval>of local residents.
17.I've tried everything possible to find a solution but now I'm <at the end of my rope>.
18.Arabic is written in the opposite in direction to English ,<that is >,from right to left.
19.Tow weeks have gone by and the work hasn't <move forward>at all.
20.If the earth's temperature rises ,it will be a disaster for all <mankind>.
21.I have bought myself insurance for I don't want to be a< burden >to my children when I'm old.
22.The job involves a lot of writing ,typing ,and even traveling so its duties are difficult to <define>
23.The police denied any responsibility and suggested that many of those who died had committed <suicide>
24.He <took>all he had <for granted>,he never realized how lucky he was.
25.He was afraid to <look>me <in the eyes >because he was not telling the truth.
26.When I saw that man of strong principle and sense of justice ,I<couldn't help but >respect him.
27.Some of the patients were <discharged>from hospital because the beds were neede
d by other people.
28.I have done some tests for the tow programs and the <latter>was almost always faster.
29.Did you know that John's daughter has got <engaged>to Mary's son?
30.Our society is made up of people from many different cultural <background>
31.The most romantic idea I came up with was to <propose>to her on a gondola in Venice.
32.Though they ended their relationship a year ago ,she still thinks of him <from time to time >
33.Last night a drunk driver <knocked down>and killed two students near our campus.
34.Do you think you can <talk>your parents <around>to lending us some money .
35.Night swallows the land;hour after hour goes by <in silence>except for the sounds of crickets chirping.
Each time my brother came to complain his difficulties in his work ,I asked him to look on the bright side.
Tom was curious about the joke that I told my colleagues,but he didn't get it .
He used to be involved in community affairs.
He used to be only the center of public attention.
It took me a whole week to gather the courage to refuse their request.
He was no doubt a great hero ,so people couldn't help but cry over his death.
I felt as I had known her for years.
Both my parents object to my going abroad to fourther my studies ,I wonder if I should give in or talk them round.
1.Children should be told regularly that cigarette lighters and matches are not allowed in schools.
2.Staff should be made aware of the potential for daytime fires to occur.
3.I was laughed at by my friend when I announced the decision this morning.
4.It is said that people's life now is becoming more and more stressful.
5.Not surprisingly,this second chance yielded similarly discouraging results.
6.Not everyone is going to get the entire picture.Not everyone is going to be the greatest salesman or the greatest basketball player.