1To get promoted, I must _____ my colleagues, who are committed to their jobs.
A take after    B take to    C take in    D take on
【答案】 A
试题剖析:考察动词短语辨析。短语    take after 长得像,性格近似于,效仿;    take to 喜爱
上,沉迷于;  take in 汲取,理解,欺诈,收养;    take on 雇用,体现;句意:为了被提携,
我要消防我的同事们,他们工作特别努力。依据句意可知    take after 意为 “效仿 ”,切合上下
2All the doctors in the hospital insisted that he ____ badly wounded and that he ____ at once.
A should be; be operated on
B were; must be operated on
C be; was operated on
D was; be operated on
【答案】 D
试题剖析:考察    insist 的用法。句意:医院里所有的医生都以为他受伤很严重,要求他立
作 果断要求做某事
考点 : 考察 insist 的用法
3One of the best ways to show confidence is to do it slowly, instead of rushing it. Nervous
people rush things to    their nervousness.
A ignore    B mask
C govern    D modify
【答案】 B
考察动词辨析。句意:    展现自信的最好方法之一是慢慢来,而不是操之过急。紧张的人

仓促做事来掩盖他们的紧张。    A. ignore 忽视;
饰。 mask 为动词 ,是掩盖的意思,切合句意。故

B. mask 掩盖 ;C. govern B 选项正确。


D. modify

4--- As we know, taking positive attitudes towards life is beneficial to our body and mind.
--- You can say that again. Struggle not to let negative ideas    .
A take over    B英语练习题 take off
C take on    D take up

【答案】 A
考察动词短语辨析。句意:    ---尽人皆知,对生活采纳踊跃的态度有益于我们的身心健康。    --
-你能够再说一遍。努力不要让悲观的想法控制你。    A. take over 接收,控制;    B. take off
飞; C. take on 体现; D. take up 占有。由句意可知,努力不要让悲观的想法控制你。故 take over 切合题意。故 A 选项正确。
5As a result, these countries are always struggling to    their repayments; government
finances that could be spent on health, education and long-term development are instead used for debt repayment.
A dive right in    B catch up on    Cpush ahead with    D split off from
【答案】 B
考察动词短语辨析。 A. dive right in 马上行动; B. catch up on 填补、追上; C. push ahead with 推进; D. split off from 离开。句意:所以,这些国家老是努力归还债务;本来能够用
还”,故 B 项正确。
6The patient was still in danger, because after the transplant, his body ______ the new heart.
Arejected    B reserved
C released    Drefreshed
【答案】 A