1. I really need a new coat as it’s getting colder and colder, but I cannot _____ one. 
A. afford              B. pay                  C. spend              D. cost
2. You'll have to_____ tickets early if you want to watch the football match.
A. receive            B. book              C. accept              D. give
3.Gorge took         of the fine weather to do a day’s work in this garden.
A. advantage        B. profit              C. preference        D. provide
4. It is not easy for a Chinese student to        to the new environment in USA.
A. adapt                B. adopt              C. adjust                D. advise
5. Finally, the manager      my suggestion.
A. adapt              B. appeal              C. adopt              D. amend
6. The school rules do not allow          on campus.
A. to smoke          B. smoke              C. smoking          D. to smoking
7. Do you know how to apply        the job?
A .in                B. for              C. to                  D. from
8. Chinese people often associate red        happiness.
A .at                B. to                  C. with                  D. from
9. I am sorry there is no room        now.
A. acceptable            B. moveable          C. valuable              D. available
10. You should have avoid        such a mistake if you had listened to me.
A. make                B. making            C. made                D. to make
1. I really appreciate          to your house.
A. invite                B. being invited        C. to invite              D. inviting
2.        your help, we could not have finished the work so quickly.
A. except for          B. instead of            C. but for              D. in case
3. He is        to speak French very well after living in Paris for 2 years.
A. capable            B. possible              C. reasonable              D. able
4. I don’t think it will be very expensive, but I’ll take some money _____ it is.
A. as if                B. in case                C. as though              D. even if
5. 如果你想要做生意,你必须要有一些资金。
6. The twins have        in common except for their appearance.
A. nothing              B. much              C. many                    D. everything
7. If you don’t know what to do, please         the teacher .
A. answer            B. promise              C. teach                  D. consult
8. 一旦你做出一个决定,你就必须执行它。
9. As far as I am concerned, happiness usually consist in hard work.
10. This medical team consists      5 doctors.
A .in                B. to                  C. of                      D. with
1.He was not late for class.          , he arrived in advance.
A. on the contrary        B. by contrast        C. in other words            D. as a result 
2. Hard work         his success.
A. attribute to        B.contribute to            C. attend                  D.devote to
3. Julie spent one month _________ her term paper on Chinese poems. 
A. to write              B. and wrote          C. written                    D. in writing
4. The fireman saved the children at the        of his life.
A. danger            B. spend            C. money                  D. cost
5. 请向你的家人转达我的最美好的祝愿。
6. The earthquake        the house, and we have to fix it.
A. harmed            B. hurt                  C. damaged          D. injured
7.Those opinions are now out of    .
A. order              B. form                C. mood              D. date
8. The number of animals has decreased      13% to 80000.
A. to                  B. from              C. by                D. in
9. Thanks for your invitation, I would be very delighted to come.
10. 老虎与猫是完全不一样的。
1. Whether you can focus on your work or not will make a great difference.
2.Since we are students now, we have to financially(经济上的) depend____ our parents.
A.on                  B.of                  C.to              D. from
3.We are          at this          news.
A. disappointed, disappointing                  B. disappointing, disappointing
C. disappointed, disappointed                  D. disappointing, disappointed
4. 令我们失望的是,他没有按时来。
5. Dont       him. He is busy preparing for the final exam.
A. discover          B. disappear            C. discourage            D. disturb
6.My cousin wants to be a scientist and _____ science of nuclear.
A. devote to            B. devote for            C. devote himself to    D. devote himself for
7. 老师鼓励孩子们与他们的同学交流。
8. The freshmen always have difficulty in adapting the collage life.
9. Such kind of        cannot be cured in ancient times.
A. devotion            B. disaster            C. disease            D. demand
10. There is no doubt      our life will become better and better in the future.
A. 英语练习题how                B. that                C. whether            D. what