1.— “ How much tea is left in the pot?” —“        .”
B.Not some         
D.No one
答案:A 。考查不定代词。无not some这种表达。none 代指上文提到的事物,含特指的概念,一般用来回答“how much/ many+名词”的问句或者含“any+名词”的疑问句;nothing强调“内容”,泛指物,一般用来回答what引起的特殊疑问句及含anything的一般疑问句;no one “一个人都没有”。故选A项。##
2.It is one thing to enjoy listening to good music, but it is quite        to perform skillfully yourself.
A.any other     
C.other thing                   
D.some other
答案:B。考查固定搭配。It’s one thing… it’s quite another…结构意为“…这是一回事,…是另一回事”。故选B项。##
3.In addition to an attractive logo and a catchy slogan for our advertisement, can you come up with        suggestions for marketing our products?
A.the other                 
答案:B  考查不定代词,the other强调两者中的另一个;other泛指“其他的”;others是复数代词,泛指其他的人或物; another“另一个”,没有特指,通常情况下后接单数名词。结合句意,应表示其他的建议,故选B项。句意:对于我们的广告除了吸引人的标志,郎朗上口的口号,你还能提出其他的营销产品的策略吗?##
4.Are you aware of        of the beneficial effects on employee performance due to the practices of our flexible working hours?
答案:C。考查不定代词。other 与another 后一般不与of连用。any和some 都表示“一些”,
5. ----What do you think about that new librarian?
  ---She is ______of a good clerk, for she even doesn’t know how to classify the books.
A. somebody             
B. nothing       
C. something     
D. nobody
答案:B。考查不定代词。Be nothing of…表示一点也不像,结合后文她不知道如何将图书分类,可知,该图书管理园一点也不像是一个好员工。故选B项。##
6. Students are not required to take the TOEEL or the IELTS test but we welcome the submission of your score if you have taken ______.
A. both           
B. none       
C. either       
D. neither
7. Last week, only two people came to look at the house, _______ wanted to buy it.
A. none of them 
B. both of them   
C. neither of whom   
D. none of whom
答案:C。考查不定代词。结合句中的two people 应选择可以修饰两者的词组,A,D可以排除,由于两句没有连词连接,故B选项错误,C项中是由whom引导的非限定定语从句。故选C项。##
8.The condition of sale on these discounted items publicized in our advertising is valid
      one week only.
A. from   
B. through
C. in   
D. for
答案:D。考查介词用法。时间状语“一周”表示一段时间,from用于“时刻”(从……),through用于手段/媒介(通过……),in用于时间段(……之后),for用于时间段(达,计)。其中for更合适,in主要用于将来时态里,而本句话没有强调将来时,可排除 in。故
9. It’s certain that we are _________ to having a clean and beautiful home in the future because some special projects are__________ to protect the environment.
A. under way; on the way                 
B. in the way; on the way
C. on the way; by the way                 
D. on the way; under way
答案:D。考查介词词组。Under way表示正在进行中,已经开始,on the way表示在途中,接近,in the way表示妨碍,挡路,by the way 表示顺便一提 结合句意,未来我们一定会有一个干净、美丽的家园,因为为了保护环境,有些特别的项目正在实施。故选D项。##
10. The success of a government should be measured ________ the health and happine
ss of the people as well as the development of economy.
A. in the face of     
B. in place of       
C. in terms of         
D. in line with
答案:C。考查介词词组。in the face of面对,in place of代替,in terms of就…而言,in line with跟…一致,符合 。结合句意,政府的成功应该从人民的健康快乐以及经济的发展方面来衡量。故选C项。##
11.It may be necessary to stop _____ in the learning process and go back to the difficult points in the lessons.
A. at intervals       
B. at random     
C. at ease           
D. at length
答案:A。考查介词词组。at intervals每隔一段时间,时不时,at random任意的,at ease安逸,自由自在;,at length 最后;充分地。结合句意,学习过程中,时不时停下来回顾课程中的难点,这可能是很有必要的。故选A项。##
12.The moon light is coming in _________ the window and the room seems quiet and 
A. across           
B. through       
C. over 
13._______people visit the_______stone bridge every year.
A.Two millions of;500-foot-long   
B.Several millions of;500-feet-long
C.Two million of;500-feet-long   
D.Millions of;500-foot-long
答案:D。考查数词。Hundred,thousand,million等词一般前有明确的数字,后面无需使用复数形式,也不加of 。但如果前面没有明确的数字,其后要求用复数形式而且后面需接of 短语,此外,连字符连接的名词短语中要用单数的foot。故选D项。##
14.About 60 percent of the students       from the south; the rest of them       from the north and foreign countries.
A. are; is                     
B. is; is
C. is; are                     
D. are; are
答案:D。考查主谓一致。“百分比 of +名词”以及“the rest of +名词” 做主语时,谓语动词的单、复数形式取决于of后面的名词或代词的单、复数形式,students为复数,故谓语动词用复数形式,故选D项。##
15.There______speculations of directing Thomson Pain to go the crossbenches since he made this proposal.