Wele ou to Beijing s Forbidden Cit! Also alled the Forbidden Cit, here are to generations of the Ming dnast in the imperial palae, for our ountr is no the largest and most prosperous of anient arhitetural plexes, an area of 15500 square meters, more than 9000 houses. Around the Forbidden Cit has 10 meters high alls, orners of the all have a magnifient strange athtoer.
From the meridian gate to enter the Forbidden Cit, and then along the entral axis, in turn, to visit the jinshui bridge, the gate, taihe palae, zhonghe palae, Ming palae, tai temple, palae of earthl tranquilit, the imperial garden. Visiting the imperial garden, an pass to the left of the garden door into the east sixth in turn to visit the palae of gathering exellene, i kun palae, YongShou palae, salt fu palae, longevit palae, tai hi temple, and then the right door to dr bright square, east into the inside the left door, an,
in turn, to visit the jubilee palae, onghe palae, palae,
sunell group b the palae. Visiting the east sixth hangqing
gate along the east, and then enter the emperor extremel door, an visit Huangji Palae, tranquilit and palae, ators floor, hang pavilion, temple raises a gender, the qianlong garden, zhen priness ell, finall a zhen shun the est door the reature an leave the palae door.
Toda I an give ou hen I feel ver honored to guide, I folloed all of ou to visit the beautiful Beijing the imperial palae, spent a happ da. I hope ou e bak to Beijing the
imperial palae please hen I hen the tour guide, I an better explain the beautiful palae.
Eah guest hello:
I am our tour guide jia-qi Chen, ou an all me xiao Chen to go in the next fe das b me for all of ou to visit the Palae Museum in Beijing sener, hope that through m explanation, an make ou leave a good impression of Beijing, also proposes the valued suggestion for m ork, good, then e start toda s trip!
In the Ming and qing dnast palae, is the largest building in the orld toda the most magnifient, the most intat anient roal palae. The Palae Museum, also alled zijin it. The hild proess is the supreme poer in China in five entur enter, ith his landsape and ontains 9000 rooms of furniture and
handiraft produt of large buildings, a itness, in the histor
of the Ming and qing dnasties era China s pries in87, Beijing the imperial palae as the United Nations on the orld heritage list.
The Palae Museum sits, has four door open. M dear friends, this is the main gate of the Forbidden Cit, and alled the meridian gate, mean the midda sun. You see, in 10 meters high all stood five toers, from above like the phoenix material spread our ings and fl, the meridian gate and the five-
phoenix toers said. Have our pitures here, please!
Come on! You free no, 6 PM in front of the Palae Museum olletion, I ish ou all have to pla happ.
Hello, ele to the Palae Museum, and I m glad to serve ou, I am the journe zi-ang li, ou just all me lee,
toda toda have I apan ou have a good time.
For the pletion of the imperial palae as built in 1406, 1420, is the Ming dnast emperor Zhu Dishi build, no ith me, please go to the imperial palae the biggest palae in the taihe palae. Here is the plae here the Ming emperor summoned to the White House orders in eremonies, the hole temple idth, depth 5, outside orridor olumn, outside the house stood 72 pillar of big, the 35 meters high, inside lear height of 14 meters, 63 meters ide, for all the palae, the largest ooden hall.
We ame to neutralize the temple, the hall of supreme harmon of the Forbidden Cit. Is the emperor rest the night before the go to the hall of supreme harmon, ministers and aept a mea for offiials.