北京英语导游词 篇一Hello everyone! My name is Shen Lei, and I#39;m your tour guide. You can call me Shen Dao. First of all, I wish you a happy trip! Please be careful when you get off the bus.
Now let me introduce the Forbidden City to you. Beijing Forbidden City, also known as the Forbidden City, is located in the center of Beijing. Today people call it the Forbidden City, which means the imperial palace of the past. It is a magnificent building built in 14 years by Ming Emperor Zhu Di, who recruited countless skilled craftsmen. The Palace Museum covers an area of 720000 square meters and has more than 9000 houses. It is the largest and best preserved ancient palace complex in the world. The palace is arranged along a north-south axis, symmetrical and well arranged. There are four gates outside the Palace M
useum, the main gate is called Meridian Gate, the east gate is called Donghua gate, the west gate is called Xihua gate, and the north gate is called Shenwu gate. The three main halls that attract the most attention are Taihe hall, Zhonghe hall and Baohe hall. I will not introduce them in detail. After a while, you can enjoy them freely.
Around the three main halls, we came to the second half of the Palace Museum, with the Qianqing palace, Jiaotai palace and Kunning palace as the center. There are six East palaces and six West palaces on both sides, mainly where the emperor and his concubines lived. Different from the magnificence of the outer court buildings, the inner court is full of life. Among them, Qianqing palace is the emperor#39;s palace, while Kunning palace is the Queen#39;s palace in Ming Dynasty. After walking through Kunning palace, we came to the imperial garden in the back. It was a place for emperors and empresses to rest and play. There were towering pines and cypresses, precious flowers and exquisite rocks in the garden.
OK, my introduction ends here. You can enjoy it at will. Come out from Donghua gate of D
ongmen after 17:30. Please don#39;t litter or write at will in the garden. Have a good trip!
北京故宫英语导游词 篇二Each visitor:
I am the guide from China travel company,you can call me small xuan。Today,I will accompany you to visit the Palace Museum.
The imperial palace and the Forbidden City,where towering palace,pavilions,white jade railing,red Huang Wa,glittering.The glittering sea of palace covers an area of 72 square kilometers,with a construction area of 150000 square meters,there are all kinds of palace in 890,houses nearly 9000.
We went to the place called meridian gate,now is the main gate of the Forbidden City,38.ChengTai show concave glyph,easy to keep difficult tapping,embodies the wisdom of the elders.
Here is the gate,it is the door of the Forbidden City ranks the highest,taihe in front of the Forbidden City#39;s largest bronze lions.The left foot of copper ball copper lion lion,a sym
bol of the unity;On the right foot on copper lion cubs for female lions,the significance of offspring prosperity.The copper lion is the symbol of supreme imperial power.
The hall of supreme harmony is the highest building in the Forbidden City mid-range.Ming and qing dynasty,the emperor,wedding,conferring the,life will be for the ceremony and flower,such as New Year#39;s day and winter solstice three large sections of the instrument are held here.In the early qing dynasty,held in this position also.
Jinlong decoration glittering inside the hall of supreme harmony,the throne in the middle and later gold lacquer screen,6 up on both sides of the pillar panlong hypostyle column,and array a treasure like,Angle side,cranes and incense  as a symbol of national stability and consolidate regime;Angle of the side is the legendary auspicious animals,cranes symbolize longevity,incense burner mountain strong  top central jinlong bit like treasure sunk panel,orb for xuanyuan mirror,moral monarch collapsed.
Behind and zhonghe palace and Baohe Palace building,please you go to visit!
北京景点英语导游词 篇三清华大学有着光荣的革命传统,在如火如荼的抗日救亡运动中,在震撼全国的一二·九运动中,在反饥饿、反内战、反迫害斗争中,一代代清华仁人志士在探求救国道路、传播先进思想、争取民族独立和人民解放斗争中成为后世的楷模。1949年后,校长梅贻琦等人随国民政府迁往。清华归属中央人民政府教育部,更名“清华大学”1955年,梅贻琦在新竹主持国立清华大学“在台复校”,沿用原校名。二十世纪80年代以来,两校交往日渐频繁,“一笔写不出两个清华”。20__年,两岸清华大学还将共同举办“百年校庆”的相关活动。
延续至今。当时的清华被称为“红工程师的摇篮”。同年,清华着手进行“学习苏联先进教育经验”的教学改革,按计划培养技术人才,从学分制转为学年制,学制延长,建立教学大纲,翻译大量苏联教材,加强基础课,聘请苏联专家讲学。1955年后,增设实验核物理、放射性稀有元素工艺学等新技术专业。1958年后,开展教育领域“”。实行教育与生产劳动相结合、勤工俭学、教育支援农业,清华师生承担了密云水库、中国革命历史博物馆等实践工作。 1978年以来,在深化改革、扩大开放的过程中,清华逐步复建了理科、经济、管理、人文、社会科学等各学科,恢复了综合性大学的布局,进入了一个蓬勃发展的新时期。