单元课题: Book 4Unit 2 Working the land
Period1 Reading
A Pioneer for All People
一:教材分析:The theme topic of this module is working the land. After the revision, Students will be optimistic when meeting with difficulties.
二、学生分析:The students are very active and interested in the topic of Yuan longping. But some of
them are lack of some good habits of reading.
三、教学目标:I. Knowledge aims
a) Master some important words and phrases, such as: hunger, rid…of ...
b) Understand the passage better.
c) Skim for the needed information and grasp the details from the text.
II. Ability aims
a) Enable the students to talk about Yuan longping .
b) To train the Ss' abilities of self-learning and cooperation.
III. Moral aims
Make Ss learn Y uan longping’s attitudes to fame and money
Be optimistic(乐观的) no matter what difficulties you meet with
I. Important points
a) learning the new words and phrases.
b) Improving their reading skills.
II. Difficult points
a) Improving their reading skills, such as skimming and scanning.
b) Talking about Yuan longping
municative language teaching
II.II. Task-based language teaching
Step I.Warming-up
1.Start with a short video.
2.Ask Ss the question ‘Do you know the old man in the video’
出本节课话题:A pioneer for all people
StepII Reading
1.Choose the main idea of the passage.
Which of the following statements tells the main idea of the text? It’s about____
A. a farmer named Yuan Longping
B. how Yuan Longping became rich and famous
C. an agricultural pioneer named Yuan Longping who worked hard to produce a new strain(种类, 品种) of rice
D. a new strain of rice which is called super hybrid rice
2.Match the main idea for each paragraph
Para.1_____ A. Dr. Yuan’s dreams
Para.2_____ B. Dr. Y uan’s personality.
Para.3_____ C. Dr. Y uan’s biography
Para.4_____ D. Dr Yuan's appearance and his achievement
2【Detailed reading】自主学习合作探究展示交流
【专家伴读】用查读(scanning)法和细读(detailed reading)法完成题目。
【para.1】Dr. Yuan’s appearance and achievement
1.What dose Dr. Yuan look like?
Dr.Yuan has a______face and arms and a ____, ______ body. He is _____like a
farmer____a scientist.
2. What is Dr. Yuan achievement?
【para.2】Put Dr Yuan’s biography in time order.
a. He was born into a poor farmer’s family .
b. He graduated from Southwest Agriculture College.
c. In 1950, Chinese farmers produced fifty million
tons of rice.
d. 2 billon tons of rice was produced by growing
his hybrid rice.
e. He searched a way to increase rice outputs
without expanding the area of fields.
f. He helps rid the world of hunger by circulating
his knowledge in less developed countries.
Proper order:
【para.3】Information of Dr. Yuan’s hobbies and personalities.
1.What are his hobbies?
1)______________________ 2)_______________________
3)______________________ 4)_______________________
2.Why doesn’t he care about fame and money?
a) fame:
b) money:
【para.4】Information of Dr. Yuan’s dreams
1.What are his two dreams?
Step III. After-reading
Yuan Longping is one of China’s most famous____ (scientist). Born in 1930, Dr. Yuan
________ (graduate)from Southwest Agricultural College in 1953.
At that time, ________(hungry) was a _______(disturb) problem in many parts of the countryside. Since then, finding ways ____grow more rice has been his life goal. In 1973, he invented super hybrid rice and became _______ first agricultural pioneer in the world.