Unit1Our living planet
The ocean deep海洋深处
We look upwards and wonder what lies beyond our planet.We send probes into the vastness of space to explore the unknown.We build space stations to advance our understanding of the universe.Our curiosity about outer space has remained unshakeable.Meanwhile,it is estimated that more than eighty per cent of the world's oceans are unexplored.So,if we want to find exciting new life forms as well as undiscovered and unusual geological formations,the ocean is where we should also be looking·Then why don't we dive to the bottom of a really deep ocean and take a long,close look beneath the waves?高中英语课文
The first200metres of our dive takes us through what can be called the open ocean,where most visible light exists.Here lives much of the marine life we know about,such as dolphins,corals and seaweeds.Si
nking below200mertes,we enter the twilight zone,where there is little sunlight and thus almost no plant life.Most of the fish living here are small filter feeders which swim up at night to feed in the nutrient-rich waters above.Also living in the twilight zone are hunters with telescopic, upward-pointing eyes that can easily spot a meal in the waters above.Consequently, the fish most likely to be eaten have evolved to have thin bodies so thar they arc less easily to be seen from below.However,once they are captured,the hunters’backward-carving teeth prevent from getting away.Evolution,it seems,helps both the hunter and the hunted in equal measure.
Once past1,000metres,we have reached the deep ocean,where there is no light and temperatures drop just above freezing.The pressures are huge and can be more than100times the pressure of the Earth’s atmosphere.It is then surprising that many creatures can live in this extreme environment.The
y cannot rely solely on their eyesight to survive and have evolved fascinating characteristics.Indeed,many organisms in the deep ocean are blind.In order to obtain food and avoid being caught, they have to depend on other senses such as smell and their ability to detect slight changes in water pressure.Also,some fish have both male and female organs to increase the chances of reproduction,as fish are so scarce at these depths that it can be difficult for them to find a mate.The fish in the deep ocean are among the strangest
creatures on the Earth,many of which have yet to be properly studied.
On reaching the ocean floor,we may see shrimps and other organisms around hydrothermal vents.These vents form in volcanically active areas,pouring mineral-rich fluids into the sea.Before the
discovery of these creatures,it was thought that all life on the Earth obtained its energy from the sun.However,this discovery has revealed that life forms can obtain nutrients and energy from thermal sources. Knowing that life35can exist in these extreme conditions has changed scientific opinion about the chances of there being life elsewhere in the universe.In addition to the vents and remarkable organisms,we cannot miss the Mariana Trench,located in the north-western part of the Pacific Ocean.Its deepest point,known as the Challenger Deep,is nearly11,000metres below sea level.You could place Mount Qomolangma in the Challenger Deep,and its top would still be more than2,000 metres below the surface!While there is little life at such great depths,it is far from boring.Of the many strange geological formations to be found here are rock bridges which cross the Trench,some reaching a height of2,500metres above the Challenger Deep.
As you can see,the world beneath the surface of the ocean is indeed an amazing place.45On our journey down,we have been fascinated by incredible geological formations as well as unexpected life forms that have become strangely adapted to their extreme environment.With so much of the oceans left to explore,who knows what wonders still await us in the future?
Extended reading
Read the article and comic strip from a science magazine about the inside of the Earth.
Inside the Earth地球内部
Have you ever wondered what lies beneath your feet?I don't mean the floor of your apartment,or the pavement you walk on,but rather what the Earth is actually made of.Unfortunately,we cannot crack th
e Earth open like an egg,s0much of what scientists know about the Earth's internal structure is based on analysing earthquake waves.
To find out more about the Earth's make-up,scientists have drilled very deep holes but none have reached the mantle as yet.The intense pressure and heat inside the Earth can close up a deep hole or break a drill.Choosing the right place to drill is also not easy.However,within a few years,scientists are hoping to drill into the mantle,which will help us better understand the geology of the Earth.
Studying the inside of the Earth has other benefits too.Some scientists are looking at exciting possibilities for life above ground.It has been discovered that under certain extreme conditions of pressure and temperature,water forms ice cages that trap hydrogen inside.This may help solve the st
orage problem of hydrogen and pave the way for cars to run on hydrogen fuel.Other scientists hope that research into microorganisms deep inside the would cast light on the origin of life.Almost every living thing on our planet depends on energy from the sun.However,the microorganisms in a goldmine of South Africa survive where the sun never shines, relying on energy from certain rocks.Therefore,if life on the Earth can survive deep underground without sunlight,could life also be thriving beneath the surface of Mars?
The next time you take a walk,think about the importance of what lies beneath your feet.Surely,a study of the inside of our planet would lead to exciting and enlightening discoveries,and benefit all who walk upon it.
Crust:a thin layer of rock on the Earth's surface
Mantle:rock below the crust and surrounding the core
Core:extremely hot,liquid iron mixed with other hot,slow-moving components, covering a solid centre,which is the innermost part of the Earth
Journey to the centre of the earth地心之旅
What might we find if we could dig into the ground,and make a fantastic journey to the centre of the Earth?Man has wondered about it,written about it and made films about it.Why don't we go down,down,down……with a bucket and Spade to find out?
4metres There are no more earthworms.
122metres We leave behind the deepest known tree roots of the wild fig tree of South Africa.
2.400metres The deepest underground laboratory,at Jinping,,China,is passed. 30,000metres We are now at the boundary between the Earth's crust and the mantle below.Here the pressure is like131elephant forming a tower on our
150,000metres We are at the place where diamonds were formed between1and3 billion years ago and then swept up to the surface.
750,000metres We have1ached the lower mantle and have3,2280elephants standing on our head!
2.9million metres We are about to head into the Earth's core.We now have about 17,000elephants balanced on
6million metres We have reached our objective.We are now at the centre of the Earth with over47.000elephants on our head!But not to worry,
it's over6,000C here and So we were all cooked a long time ago! 4米这里再也没有蚯蚓了。(什么?没有虫子!我的午餐没了....
Grammar and composition p6
A Exploring the rules
Below is an article from a science website about the changing lengths of days and years.Find the sentences that use inversion and fill in the box below.The first one has been done for you.
Seldom do we doubt that a day is24hours long and that a year consists of365 days(well,a little more actually,which is why we have leap years).These timings are based on the Earth's planetary motions.It takes the Earth a day to spin once on its axis and a year to make one complete circular movement around the Sun.However,would it surprise you to learn that scientists have found evidence that this has not always been the case?
Under the oceans lies the hidden evidence for the changing lengths of days and years.Ancient corals,just like tree trunks,show distinct growth rings,and by counting these rings,it is possible for sci
entists to calculate the number of days in a year,many millions of years ago.Here is an example.By studying corals that were over400millions years old,scientists estimate that an earth year was420days long back then.Similarly,tidal records laid down in ancient river mouths also reveal different lengths of days and years in the past.Examining the daily,monthly and seasonal cycles of these tidal records lets scientists know the number of days in previous years.They indicate,for instance,that620million years ago the day was possibly3hours shorter than it is today.
Based on all this evidence,not only do scientists conclude that the lengths of days and years have changed in past eras,they also predict that days will get longer in the future.So,one day,the expression24/7may well have to be replaced with the revised expression,25/7!
Integrated skills p8
Talking about climate
A Daniel is doing a school science project for the upcoming World Meteorological Day.Read the leaflet about climate and answer the following questions.
In recent years,much of the world's population has been drawn into conversations and debates about the world's climate and the worrying prospect of