(Unit 1 LESSON 1)I’m a ... digital native!我是一名……数码族!
I’m Joe, a student from London. You’ll often find me sitting in front of my laptop.
The online world is a big part of my life. I’m a “digital native”—I’ve been using the computer since I was a kid.
I do a wide range of things online. Besides doing all my school work, I chat with my friends, watch films and read the daily news and other interesting articles; I also shop for various things online, such as books, computer hardware and other necessities. It’s so convenient to be able to compare the quality and prices from different online shops before I buy. I also
play computer games from time to time and I even play tennis on my television screen in my living room!高中英语课文
My parents are worried that I may become an “Internet addict”. They think I’m playing computer games all the time and I chat too much with online friends. According to them, there is a danger that I may not be able to tell whether these friends are real friends. My mum keeps telling me to go out with my school friends instead. Maybe she’s right. It’s important to meet friends in person from time to time, not just on social media. Actually, I do know I need to drag myself away from the online world sometimes, especially because real life can be just as interesting.
Your Life Is What You Make It 你的生活你做主
After a long day, Zhang Tian finally got back to his small room, feeling tired. He had started working at seven in the morning and it was eight in the evening now. He had to prepare his lessons for the following day. This is a typical day for Zhang Tian. Coming to Guizhou Province to teach has been quite an experience for him.
Zhang Tian graduated from university and got a teacher’s certificate last year. His parents,
like most, hope he would go to a big city to find a teaching job. Likewise, his friends all left his hometown for work in Shanghai or Beijing. Zhang Tian felt differently, however. He wanted to start a new lifestyle. He had met wonderful teachers from small villages during his early school years and he was inspired by them to go and teach where he was needed the most. For that reason he applied for and became a volunteer teacher in a village school. Bringing with him lots of books, clothes, and two pairs of trainers, Zhang Tian travelled to the village with an eager heart. He imagined all sorts of exciting things about living independently and teaching in a village.
However, not everything lived up to Zhang Tian’s hopes. The school was much smaller than he had expected, with only three classrooms. In front of the classrooms, there was a playground which got dusty on windy days and muddy on rainy days. Living in the village was also more challenging than he had thought. The power and water supplies were unstable, so he could only shower every three or four days, and he had to learn how to cook. The thought of leaving once flashed through his mind, but he quickly gave up on the idea and found ways to deal with the challenges.
The school had just three teachers and Zhang Tian was the only English teacher. The other two local teachers were responsible for maths and Chinese. To make school life healthier and livelier for his students, Zhang Tian introduced more subjects to the school—
music, art and PE. It is not surprising that PE is the kids’ favourite subject! Their school lives are now more attractive and interesting, and they enjoy playing football in the playground, as well as singing songs they’ve learnt. The school is now full of laughter and music. Zhang Tian is planning to organise the first-ever school concert! Everyone is very excited.