一、 Writing(总题数:2,分数:4.00)
1.Part I Writing(分数:2.00)
water pollution解析:
2.For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on Mark Twain's remark "I can live for two months on a good compliment. " You can cite examples to illustrate your point of view. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.
正确答案:(正确答案: The Importance of Compliments Mark Twain once said, "I can live for two months on a good compliment. " What he was trying to convey is the importance of compliments. In fact, all human beings have a need to be seen, acknowledged and encouraged, and a great compliment is certainly one of the best ways to meet that need. There are many positive effects of good genuine compliments. For one thing, exchanging compliments with strangers can keep you off guard and warm your heart. Saying things like " You look wonderful today" might seem ordinary, but these few words can turn a grey day into a sunny one. For another, to give praise costs the giver nothing but a moment's thought and a moment's effort. It is such a small investment, and yet consider the results it may produce. Last but not the least, recognition and praise are positive ways of motivating people. Praising the good behavior and complimenting the person can bring out his best. In short, let's be alert to the small excellences around us and commend them. We will not only bring joy into other people's lives, but also, very often, add happiness into our own's.)
二、 Listening Comprehension(总题数:11,分数:50.00)
3.Part II Listening Comprehension
4.Section A
 A.Give up his right to vote.
 B.Vote randomly. 
 C.Support one party firmly.
 D.Take politics seriously.
 A.When they are in a hurry.
 B.When they are forced to vote.
 C.When they dislike all the listed parties. 
 D.When they don't want to waste their votes.
 A.To attend the orientation.
 B.To meet his professor.
 C.To find some books. 
 D.To use the computer.
 A.The name of the author.
 B.His student ID. 
 C.The title of the book.
 D.His whereabouts.
 A.On the second floor of the west wing.
 B.On the second floor of the east wing. 
 C.On the first floor of the west wing.
 D.On the first floor of the east wing.
 A.Because the professor may need them from time to time.
 B.Because they are very precious and valuable.
 C.Because the professor hopes they are available to all the students. 
 D.Because they are already reserved by some students.
5.Section B
 A.She performed acting roles for TV shows. 
 B.She sang for a local music group.
 C.She released her first music album.
 D.She joined a music tour of America.
 A.Best-selling Female Artist.
 B.Queen of Pop.
 C.MTV Video Music Awards. 
 D.The Star of Hollywood.
 A.She divorced her husband.
 B.She won a Grammy Award.
 C.She was engaged and married. 
 D.She released her comeback album.
 A.It has the highest water cleanliness standard in Europe. 
 B.It has the best natural swimming pool in Europe.
 C.It has the best purification specialist in Europe.
 D.It has the cleanest river in Europe.
 A.Whether the water is clean enough. 
 B.If it can be used in various weather conditions.
 C.If it will lead to less visitors.
 D.Whether the river traffic will be affected.
 A.To separate the changing rooms from the pool.
 B.To provide a path to the swimming area.
 C.To make the pool shallow enough for children.
 D.To protect people from waves caused by river traffic. 
 A.Environment agencies.
 B.The city of London.
 C.The state government.
 D.Public donation. 
6.Section C
 A.The US government's monthly employment report. 
 B.The US government's monthly tax report.
 C.The US government's monthly budget report.
 D.The US government's monthly deficit report.
 A.It's entirely the fault of Europe's leaders.
 B.It's entirely the fault of the US politicians.
 C.It's not entirely the fault of Europe's leaders. 
 D.It's not entirely the fault of the US politicians.
 A.Introducing tax incentives for businesses.
 B.Cutting budgets on medicare.
 C.Pumping more dollars into the economy. 
 D.Coming to an agreement on a deficit cutting plan.
 A.Living in areas with noise pollution.
 B.Living in areas with light pollution.
 C.Living in areas with water pollution.