Thermal pollution is a kind of energy pollution, which refers to the phenomenon that human activities harm the thermal environment. If the man-made emissions of various greenhouse gases, ozone layer depletion substances, aerosol particles and other phenomena that directly or indirectly affect the global climate change of this special harmful thermal environment phenomenon, except, Common heat pollution is due to the population concentration in urban areas, Buildings, streets, etc., replace the natural cover of the ground, Emission of heat from industrial production, A large number of motor vehicles are running, A large amount of air conditioning emissions of heat and form the urban temperature is higher than the suburban rural heat island effect; The increase in water temperature caused by cooling water such as thermal power plants, nuclear power plants and steel mills, To reduce the dissolved oxygen, Increasing the toxicity of certain toxicants, Fish do not reproduce or die, Certain bacteria multiply, Water thermal pollution that destroys the water ecological environment and causes water quality deterioration. The first victim of thermal pollution is water organisms. Because the rise of water temperature reduces the dis
solved oxygen in the water, the water body is in a state of hypoxia, and the metabolic rate of aquatic organisms increases and more oxygen is needed, causing some aquatic organisms to develop blocked or die under the action of thermal effect, thus affecting the environmental and ecological balance. In addition, the rising water temperature of the river creates an artificial hotbed for some pathogenic microorganisms, allowing them to breed and spread, causing disease epidemics and endangering human health. In 1965, a meningitis was prevalent in Australia, and then scientists confirmed that its curse was a kind of amoeboid, because the hot water from the power plant increased the river water temperature, the amoeboid breeds in warm water, causing the epidemic of water pollution.
water pollution