water ------ liquid gold
1. do you know the long journey of water?
2.can you describe the importance of water in our daily life?
3. can you list a few ways we can save water?
  water falls from the clouds as rain and runs into rivers and seas.  water is very important for all living things. without water there will be no life on the earth. we cannot live without water. we use it to drink, to cook meals and to wash things. so we call water the liquid gold. however,there are many places in the world still running out of water. so we should save water. we can save water in many ways. for example, we should turn the tap off when we are brushing our teeth. we should fix dripping tap
s quickly. we shouldn’t play with water. we must try our best to save every drop of water.
a(n) _________ journey
use the following points as a reference.
when and where did you go ?
what did you do during your journey?
how did you like the journey?
  an exciting journey
last summer my parents took me to beijing and we went to visit the
famous wall. as we know , the great wall is one of the great wonders in the world, so i was really excited to see it. although we were a little tired, we still tried to climb to the top of the wall and enjoyed the beautiful view .
this is an exciting trip for me. i am proud of the great wall and the 决心) to make our country  richer and stronger.( 100 words )
the importance of trees
( trees are important living things ) suggested outlines:
1. why are trees important ?
2. what good are trees?
3. what shall we do for the trees on the earth?
trees are really important in our daily lives. they take in harmful gases from the air and release oxygen back into the air for people and other living things to breathe. they make our city more beautiful and less noisy. a lot of things that we use come from trees. the rubber on the end of your pencils, the paper in your note books, the fruit in your bowl all come from trees.
however, nowadays, trees are in great danger, people are cutting down more and more trees every year and replace hardly any of them. we are destroying our best fighters against pollution. so we must try our best to protect trees, and plant more trees every year.  (119 words
suggested questions:
1. what do you know about electricity?
2. what can we do with electricity?
3. is electricity always safe?
  electricity is a good servant. it is very important in our daily life. although it is invisible, we can use it to do many different things. at home, we use it for the lights, tvs, air conditioners and so on. also, in factories, electricity makes machines
work. however , electricity is also a  dangerous servant. when we use it , we must be careful. then it will give us a more colourful life. (73 words)
  rules around us
suggested questions
1. is it important to have rules in our lives?
2. what rules should we obey? ( give at least two examples)
3. what will happen if we don’t obey the rules?
there are a lot of rules in our lives, such as the school rules and the traffic rules. for example, when we are at school, we should wear school uniforms and hand in our homework on time. we shouldn’t be late fo
r school. when we are in the library, we shouldn’t talk loudly.
in my opinion, rules are very important to us. if we don’t obey the rules, we may get into trouble, even die. so everyone should follow the rules and they can make our lives more enjoyable.  ( 89 words )
  save our earth
as we all know, our earth is in great danger now. much pollution is around us, such as air pollution, water pollution and noise pollution. so we must try our best to save our home ------ the earth. we can save our earth by not pouring harmful chemicals into the rivers, lakes or seas. we can also plant more trees to take harmful gases from the air. let’s be fighters again pollution to protect our earth.( 76 words )
  save our earth
as we all know, our earth is in great danger now. much pollution is around us, such as air pollution, water pollution and noise pollution. so we must try our best to sav
e our home ------ the earth. we can save our earth by not pouring harmful chemicals into the rivers, lakes or seas. we can also plant more trees to take harmful gases from the air. let’s be fighters against pollution to protect our earth.( 76 words )
【篇二:英语作文范文lets save water】
water pollution
let’s save water
water is very important to us. we can’t live without water. we need water to drink. we use water to brush our teeth and wash our faces. if there is no water, our life will be terrible. crops and vegetables will die. we will have nothing to eat. if we don’t save water,the last drop of water will be our tears. we must save water. we can save water by turning off running taps or fixing dripping taps. we can take a shower instead of having a bath. let’s work together to save water. don’t waste it any more.