As we all know, environmental pollution is still serious nowadays. Our group wanted to know how many students knew about each kind of the pollution and we wanted to learn how often they sorted(分类) rubbish. So we did a survey among the students in our school. Here are the results of our questionnaire(问卷).
The results of the questionnaire
Do you know about these problems?
How often do you sort rubbish?
1.What kind of problem is known by the fewest students?
A.Air pollution.    B.Water pollution.    C.Noise pollution.    D.Global warming.
2.How many students have begun to sort rubbish according to the chart(图表)?
A.All of the students.    B.Most of the students.
C.Some of the students.    D.None of the students.
3.What can we learn from the results of the questionnaire?
A.Air pollution is noticed by a large number of students.
B.The students don’t realize the situation of the environment at all.
C.Five kinds of environmental pollution are mentioned in the questionnaire.
D.Most students take enough action to sort rubbish.
Andy Burnell is a kayak(皮划艇) lover and he enjoys shooting the underwater world. On the afternoon of October 9, 2022, he went to Grange Beach in Australia and had an unusual experience.
Andy tied an old underwater camera to his fishing line and dropped it into the water to a depth of about six or seven meters. “Then I just moved around in my kayak for a while, probably about half an hour, and I didn’t see anything,” said Andy.
Andy checked his camera at home hours later and he realized that he had not been alone. A great white shark swam with him while he was kayaking. “I actually gave myself a jump scare in my own living room because I was looking through the video and then suddenly there was a shark right there,” he said.
“For at least 10 minutes, the shark was right under my kayak just following the camera along, and I had no idea of that. I’m kind of lucky that the shark didn’t hit the camera. All she was doing was being curious(好奇的) about the camera,” Andy added.
Andy said this experience was a reminder(提示) to people that we share our waters with other animals. He also said it would not keep him out of the ocean. It wasn’t a scary or dangerous thing for him. Instead, it was just cool.
4.Which of the following does Andy like?
①Going kayaking.
②Going fishing.
③Underwater performances.
④Underwater photography(摄影).
A.①③    B.②③    C.①④    D.③④
5.How did Andy feel when he saw the shark in the video?
water pollution
A.Sad.    B.Excited.    C.Shocked.    D.Curious.
6.How long did the shark follow the camera along?
A.For about two hours.    B.For at least 40 minutes.
C.For about half an hour.    D.For at least 10 minutes.
7.From the passage, we can infer(推断) that ________.
A.Andy noticed the shark from the beginning
B.Andy will continue to enjoy himself in the ocean
C.the great white shark hit the camera
D.there will be more animals sharing waters with people
Free time is a good chance for teenagers to have fun. What about free time with parents around? Some teenagers want free play without parents’ supervision(监管) while parents and experts(专家) may think differently.
Lin Tao, a middle school student, thinks teenagers should be free to play. “Last time I played with my parents around, I was nervous and just couldn’t enjoy myself to the fullest,” Lin says. “And my friend Chen Xiaoxin has similar experiences. Once, he went out to play with his classmates. Everyone felt uncomfortable with his mother’s supervision.”
Wang Min, a mother of a 14-year-old boy, thinks playtime needs supervision. She explains, “People usually say I like to control my kid, but that’s not true. I am just worried that he will get into trouble. Some guys may have a bad influence on him and some games like LARP(剧本杀) may mislead him. He might even get indulged in the stories and can’t get back to real life.
Mr. Ma, a doctor of social studies, says it’s understandable for teenagers to wish for freedom. Free play helps them to be independent. Parents can give them more space. They don’t have to supervise them all the time. However, teenagers should find out the exact details(细节) about the activities before playtime. Then they can communicate with their parents and decide together whether they can go out to play alone.
In my opinion, teenagers’ freedom and parents’ supervision are both important. They need free time and need parents’ proper supervision as well(也).