How to Tackle Environmental Pollution
Environmental pollution refers to matters or energy emitted to environment by human being during life and production, which surpass the self-purification capability of the environment, deteriorate environment, and even affect human development and the living of other species. The failure to measure and predict the impacts of highly-developed industry has triggered three major crises globally: resource scarcity, environmental pollution, ecosystem damage. Human polluted emissions into environment remain unrelenting. Due to the spread of the atmosphere, water, soil, and dilution, oxidation reduction, biological degradation, the concentration and toxicity of polluted matters will decrease. Thats what we call self-purification. If the emitted matters surpass the environmental self-purification capability, environmental quality will deteriorate, leaving human health and existence exposure to danger. So environmental pollution arises. It is safe to say that ill-exploit and misuse of natural resources result in environmental problems.
Environmental pollution wrecks ecosystem immediately. Desertification and deforestation h
as an indirect impact on ecosystem and human society as well. Sometimes the indirect damage on environment far transcends the present damage and can hardly be eliminated. For instance, greenhouse effect, acid rain, and ozone depletion result from air pollution. Environmental effect, the derivative of environmental pollution has hysteretic nature, which makes it unaware or even unpredictable of people and that when it collapses, the environmental pollution will have become ever discouraging. Noticeably, the immediate effects of environmental pollution are the worsening of human living environment, human living standards, health and production. For example, the air pollution in the city will give rise to foul air, leading to the rise of disease incidence. If the water is polluted, its deterioration impacts potable water, posing a threat to human health, even giving rise to premature birth or malformation. Sever pollution triggers not only health risks, but also social problems. It is universal that social issues and conflicts have increased with the heightening pollution and the increasing environmental awareness of a society.
The globe has seen environmental problems, in one way or another. The major problems
are categorized as air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution, food contamination, and ill-exploit of natural resources. A series of catastrophes have well proven that environmental pollution destroys human life horrifically. It poses a threat to ecological equilibrium, human health, and even impedes sustainable development of our society and economy. The environmental pollution has done great damage to our society. Statistics has shown that the economy loss reaches more than 200 billion yuan every year due to environmental pollution and ecological damage.
As we are living in the environment, every action, every move is likely to affect our surroundings. For our environment having becoming so deteriorating, companies and also, individuals have done their own part to this situation. When establishing their factories, some companies are so unaware of protecting environment that they turned rivers and lakes into sewage. Some factories and mines discharge pollutions far more than the policy can tolerate. Sometimes they play the cat and mouse game, discharging pollutions into the air or rivers. In public places or on the road, some people throw trash away on their whim. There are also some public transportation drivers who tend to discha
rge trash out of bus directly onto the road, without nurturing the awareness of protecting environment. Some cleaners get rid of trash underground for convenience’s sake. It has also been noted that small restaurants, stands and vendors pour the leftovers and polluted water all over the road. Such cases are so enormous that they arouse tremendous worry. In the twilight of 20th century, a tragedy happened in Mexico city that numerous citizens suffered terrible diseases as a result of severe air pollution. If we turn a blind eye to the environment issues, such tragedy is likely to recur around us. 
Environment Pollution has become a major issue during the 20th century as today’s society produces goods which are very harmful to the environment. The Land, water and air are all increasingly affected by a range of pollutants like; noises, heat, smoke, chemicals, manure and radioactive isotopes. Once in the environment, many pollutants are diluted, dispersed or broken down into harmless materials, but other may be concentrated or transformed into more damaging forms. And more importantly, damage caused by pollution may not be covered immediately, because it is not as easy as it seems. “Every year, the burning of fossil fuels releases about 5.6 billion tons of carbon di
oxide in the air- an amount that is expected to increase”. Even though carbon dioxide is a gas that plants survive on, an excess amount proves to be harmful. Carbon dioxide molecules absorb heat energy. The greater the amount of carbon dioxide in the air, the greater amount of heat energy is absorbed, which results in global warming. “In fact, China is the largest carbon dioxide producing nation.” There are several ways to reduce pollution; however, considering the economic problems China is going through, it’s a difficult issue.
water pollution
While the cause and effect relationship between technological advances and pollution have certainly influenced public outcry towards change, and influenced corporations to alter their poisoning mechanisms, the immediate change will necessarily meet with resistance. Revelation about mankind’s reticence to act unless literally under the gun remains a valid point.
Destruction of the ozone layer and incidents such as the Exxon oil spill in Alaska are indeed enormous calamities, and we have been cautioned by at least one reputable scien
tist as to the risks we take by delaying reform, but these events are still not great enough to spawn greater action than handling the immediate situation. Ti is one thing to agree that car travel pollutes the environment, and to see dense smog in the Los Angeles Basin, but millions will still get in their vehicles tomorrow to drive their jobs.