pollution 造句
1.Air pollution is a serious environmental problem that can harm human health.(空气污染是一个严重的环境问题,会危害人类健康。)
2.Factory emissions contribute to water pollution in the nearby river.(工厂排放物导致附近河流的水污染。)
3.The city has implemented strict regulations to reduce noise pollution from construction sites.(城市已经实施了严格的规定,以减少建筑工地的噪音污染。)
4.The polluted water from the factory has caused a decline in fish population in the lake.(工厂排放的污染水导致湖泊中鱼类数量的减少。)
5.The beach was closed due to high levels of pollution caused by sewage discharge.(由于污水排放造成的高污染水平,海滩被关闭了。)
6.The government is taking measures to tackle soil pollution and prevent further degradatio
n of agricultural land.(政府正在采取措施对抗土壤污染,防止农田进一步退化。)
7.Pollution from industrial activities has contaminated the groundwater, affecting the quality of drinking water.(工业活动造成的污染污染了地下水,影响了饮用水的质量。)
8.Vehicle exhaust emissions are one of the major contributors to urban air pollution.(车辆排放物是城市空气污染的主要因素之一。)
9.The pollution caused by oil spills has had a devastating impact on marine life in the area.(由油污泄漏引起的污染对该地区的海洋生物产生了毁灭性的影响。)
10.Overuse of pesticides in agriculture can lead to pollution of the soil and water resources.(农业中农药的过度使用可能导致土壤和水资源的污染。)
11.The polluted air in the city is causing respiratory problems for the residents.(城市中的污染空气对居民造成了呼吸问题。)
12.Deforestation can contribute to pollution by reducing the natural filtering capacity of forests.(森林砍伐会通过降低森林的自然过滤能力来促成污染。)
13.The factory has been fined for releasing pollutants into the river without proper treatment.(该工厂因未经适当处理而将污染物排放到河流中而被。)
14.Pollution control measures need to be implemented to protect the fragile ecosystem of the area.(需要实施污染控制措施以保护该地区脆弱的生态系统。)
15.The government has launched a campaign to raise awareness about the harmful effects of plastic pollution.(政府发起了一场宣传活动,提高人们对塑料污染危害的认识。)
16.The pollution caused by the mining operations has contaminated the nearby river, affecting the aquatic life.(采矿活动引起的污染污染了附近的河流,影响了水生生物。)
17.Noise pollution from traffic can disrupt sleep patterns and cause stress-related health issues.(交通噪音污染会破坏睡眠模式并引起与压力相关的健康问题。)
18.The excessive use of fertilizers in agriculture can result in water pollution through runoff.(农业中过度使用化肥会通过径流导致水污染。)
19.The government has implemented stricter emission standards for vehicles to reduce air pollution.(政府已经实施了更严格的车辆排放标准,以减少空气污染。)
20.The industrial area has been heavily polluted, leading to adverse effects on the health of the local residents.(工业区污染严重,对当地居民的健康产生了不利影响。)